Climate change can provide an advantage for farmers in the north. Now they are on their third hit of the year – news Nordland

– This year and last year it has been easy to be a farmer. It has been a good season, plenty of sun and rain, as well as nice temperatures. That’s what farmer Øyvind Lien says in Steigen in Nordland. After a record-warm May in several places, the sun has been on summer holiday at regular intervals throughout the country. For the farmers, this year’s summer has been more than good enough as the grass has grown well. Halfway through July, it turns out that several farmers in Nordland have the opportunity for as many as three tonnes of hay. It is far from normal, although they also experienced it last year. The vast majority take a maximum of two. – It is not so common that farmers in the entire county can take three mows, it has only happened in some places. We know that farmers in the south get both three and four mowings for the season, but now we also hear that Trøndelag is planning for three, says board member Trond Bjørkås of the Norwegian Farmers’ Association. In Steigen, several farmers have received three mowings in the past, but it is not usual for large parts of Nordland county to receive more than two. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news Advantage of being in the north Climate change and higher temperatures lead to many negative consequences worldwide. However, the job for farmers may become easier in the future. Especially if you live in the north, because there the change will be greatest. – The fact that the temperatures are increasing and that we will have a longer growing season is an advantage for agriculture throughout the country. New crops can be grown in new areas, and the growing season is longer. So says Reidun Gangstø, who researches climate and food production at the Meteorological Institute. Considering the hot climate and the drought that farmers in Europe are experiencing, Gangstø says that it is extra important that climate change in this country leads to increased food production. – The general tendency is that the growing season will be extended throughout the country, but we are dependent on the farmers in the north to ensure good food production. In the heat, it’s nice to have an air-conditioned cab. Øyvind Lien thinks that some days in the north have been a little too hot for the crop, but he says he is quite satisfied. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news Steigen farmer Øyvind Lien thinks it’s nice to see his colleagues try their hand at three mowings. It was not possible in 2022. Then there was an average of 200 mm of rain per month. Cutting more grass on the same area up to several times can provide better roughage, which for dairy farmers means more milk. However, not everyone wants to try that strategy. – The autumn can be cold and wet, and if the farmer cannot take the third cut without destroying the fields, it may be more of a problem than a benefit. The grass will be too long for wintering, and this can lead to fungal damage, more ice and a poor crop for next year, says Bjørkås in the Norwegian Farmers’ Association. Farmer Øyvind Lien believes that farmers who want three mows are “on the chopping block”. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news Good summer after a long winter Øyvind Lien in Steigen says that it is good to have a good result so far this summer, after a hard winter with a lot of ice. – The grass is not as clean as we would like, and some fields have smaller crops after a number of ice fires and weeds this winter. The weeds are a big problem, but the hay is above normal. Farmer and board member of the Norges Bondelag, Trond Bjørkås. Photo: Lars-Petter Kalkenberg / news It is only when the season is over that the farmers can really ascertain how good this year’s hay has actually been. – So far it seems fine, both in terms of grass and the potato. There have been no major drought disasters, nor floods or a lot of water. What we want now is a bit more fine weather for the grain in Eastern Norway, concludes Trond Bjørkås. Published 18.07.2024, at 09.36
