Climate activists filled golf holes with cement – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Activists associated with the climate group Extinction Rebellion campaigned against two golf courses near Toulouse, writes the BBC. They filled golf holes with cement in protest against golf courses being exempted from watering bans in France. The activists call golf “the leisure industry of the most privileged”. France is hit by the fourth heat wave this year, and the worst drought ever measured, reports Reuters. The group, which calls itself the Kirikou Collective, is said to have entered golf courses in Vieille-Toulouse and Blagnac on Thursday night, according to the newspaper l’Opinion. Extinction Rebellion Toulouse shared images in a post on Twitter. Photo: EXTINCTION REBELLION TOULOUSE / @XRTOULOUSE/TWITTER Lack of drinking water Over 100 French villages have had a lack of drinking water. In large parts of the country, restrictions on water consumption have been introduced. In the hardest-hit areas, residents cannot water gardens or wash cars. However, golf courses are exempt. This comes as a result of an agreement between the French golf federation and national authorities in 2019, where the golf courses promised to cut down on water consumption, writes Euronews. They still get some restrictions in the drought. The pitches must be watered at night, with only 30 percent of the usual water consumption, according to the BBC. French authorities now operate with four levels of drought. The climate activists have shared a petition to stop all irrigation of golf courses from level three, writes ABC News. Only the area of ​​Ille-et-Villaine in the west of France has so far introduced such a ban. According to the golf association, 15,000 Frenchmen worked on golf courses around the country. They say the grass will die after three days without watering.
