Claims this proves that the sports manager lied to news – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– Just the fact that he chooses to go public in an interview and lie that I have not apologized for raising himself and blackening me when it is not true … It says a lot about a person. The powerlifting profile Hilde Mikkelsen Haugen has once again had to take the magazine from her mouth and direct strong criticism at the Norwegian Powerlifting Association. Earlier this month, news reported on the ongoing conflict between the two parties, which has meant that Haugen is now without a national team place. The statements from the association’s sports director Lars Edvin Samnøy in the aforementioned news case make Haugen shake his head. She believes that Samnøy is lying in the interview. – Okay, we disagree on things, I can live with that. But when a person chooses to do it that way, it says so much about the person. I have also gone out hard and criticized, but I have never said anything I can not vouch for, the powerlifter tells news. MASTER: Haugen is a merited athlete and can, among other things, point to a European Championship gold. Photo: John Andresen / John Andresen Believes she has proof Haugen won European Championship gold as late as last year, and she has been part of the national team for a number of years, but she has not represented Norway in recent championships. To understand the conflict that now means that she is without a national team place, we have to go all the way back to November. Then Haugen published a post on Facebook, where she criticized her own union. She wrote, among other things, that she has felt “more opposed than valued by the national team management”. CRITICAL: This Facebook post made Haugen an unpopular person in the powerlifting association. Photo: Screenshot Haugen herself understood that she went too far, so she apologized in an e-mail to, among others, the sports director of the association. A few months later, she sent another e-mail in which she apologized, but in the aforementioned news interview, Samnøy still claimed that she had never apologized. – It is not true. She did not have a hint of remorse, and she now shows that she has not progressed, his words sounded. And this is what now makes Haugen accuse the sports director of lying. – So you mean that Samnøy is lying in the interview with news? – Yes, I mean it. It is very clear in the emails I have sent. SENT: These are parts of the emails Haugen published on Instagram. These must have been sent to Samnøy and other people in the Powerlifting Association. Photo: Hilde Mikkelsen Haugen news has seen that the e-mails have been sent to Lars Edvin Samnøy’s e-mail address. news has confronted Samnøy with all of Haugen’s statements, including that she accuses him of lying, but he has not wanted to answer any of the accusations. The sports director rather refers to an official statement from the Norwegian Powerlifting Association, signed by the association’s president Inger Blikra. – We do not fully recognize the presentation she has given, she writes, among other things. You can read the full statement in the box below: Official statement from the Norwegian Weightlifting Association regarding the conflict This case has two sides, and there have been cooperation problems between this athlete and the national team manager for 4 years. This has been attempted to be solved by special arrangements where contact between the athlete and the national team manager has taken place through a coach the athlete himself has chosen. Following the athlete’s outbursts on social media after the World Cup in Stavanger in November last year, the federation’s leadership of the top sports director and president has intervened and invited both parties to a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to look ahead, and together agree on how facilitation and cooperation will take place in the future. The athlete has refused. Beyond this, we have no comment, and we have instructed the national team manager not to comment further on the matter either to the press or on social media. What the practitioner chooses to say, we as a union do not control. We do not fully recognize the presentation she has given. – Banned for life In the wake of the famous Facebook update in November, and the first apology via e-mail, it was suggested by the parties to meet to speak out, but the invitation to the meeting with the federal leadership came with several conditions, Haugen claims. Samnøy demanded an apology, something Haugen thought he had already received, but according to the 30-year-old, it was also not allowed to take up anything from the conflict that had been. – The criteria for that meeting was first and foremost that that excuse was in place – something it was. Number two was that it was not allowed to talk about what has been. We were only going to talk about how nice and wonderful things were going to be. It made me say “no thank you, I’m not interested in that”. – The premises (for the meeting) I did not think would lead any way. It was only going to impose guilt on me, it was very one-way from their side, she adds. As the weightlifter did not want to meet these conditions, she was not offered a new national team contract either. Haugen says she is willing to “clean up and tidy up”, but will not get the opportunity to do so as long as Samnøy is sports manager. – As long as he gets to decide, I’ll probably be banned for life. – Terribly childish Haugen says Samnøy responded to the apology, and thought that she did not show any kind of reconciliation and that it was then not relevant with a national team return. – The focus is more on me making an apology that he thinks is fair, instead of addressing the criticism that has come. And then quiet at a meeting where it is not allowed to address the problem … I think that is cowardly and no joke. Then we sit there again. How will it solve some things? – What do you think about that? CONTINUES: Haugen has no plans to give up strength, despite the conflict. Photo: John Andresen / John Andresen – I lay down as flat as I could. I think it’s terribly childish. It says that he does not really want to clean up. He has decided. Even though Haugen is now outside the national team, the plan is to compete during the NM week, which you can watch on news this week. Championship with the national team, however, must wait, as the situation is now. – I do not think the punishment I have received is in line with what I have done. I would like some other adults at work as well, the European Championship winner concludes.
