Claims that the nuclear power plant has lost 10,000 employees – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Zaporizhzhya power plant is located in the south of Ukraine and is the largest in Europe. Before the war broke out in February, as many as 11,000 people worked at the plant. Since March, the power plant has been under Russian control. Today there are around 1,000 employees left, says Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin in an interview with the German newspaper group Funke, writes DPA. Kotin says it is very difficult for the employees to continue working at the power plant. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited the power plant last week. On Tuesday, they presented their report. They called the situation at the power plant unsustainable, and said that immediate measures are needed to prevent a nuclear accident. The IAEA wrote, among other things, that the Ukrainian employees work under Russian supervision. They are under such stress that human error can occur with major consequences, according to the nuclear experts. Ukrainian authorities said on Wednesday that they were considering closing the facility due to safety concerns. Very concerned about working conditions Ole Christen Reistad is head of department at the Department of Energy Engineering. He was also formerly head of Norway’s last nuclear reactor at Kjeller. He is very concerned about the working conditions of the employees at the plant. – There are fewer employees at work, they work longer shifts. They may have to do tasks that they have not immediately been trained in, says Reistad. He is also alarmed by the content of the report from the IAEA. – The report confirms what we really hoped was not the case, but which has been reported. Attacks have been carried out, employees have been injured, the facility has been damaged, says Reistad. Ole Christian Reistad, head of department at the Department of Energy Engineering, is very concerned about the employees at the Zaporizhzhya power plant in Ukraine. Photo: Odin Omland / news Claims Russia has abducted employees Ukraine’s state nuclear energy agency Energoatom also claims that Russian forces have abducted around 200 employees at the power plant. According to Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin, some of the company’s employees have no idea where they are. He also claims that there are cases where the agency’s employees have been tortured or killed. The accusations have not been commented on from the Russian side. Russia and Ukraine have constantly accused each other of endangering the safety of the nuclear power plant.
