Civilians buried in mass grave in Lysytsjansk – Latest news – news

June 17, 2022 at 03:38 Civilians buried in mass grave in Lysychansk Many people, possibly up to 300 and many of them civilians, have been dumped in a mass grave on the outskirts of Lysychansk, a soldier tells the New York Times. Of the dead, many civilians were killed by Russian artillery attacks on Lysychansk, Sevierodonetsk and Rubizhne, which are located just north of the two cities, the newspaper writes. The mass grave is not covered. – All the machines that were in the city’s warehouse – excavators and everything – were given to the military to dig trenches, is the explanation from the soldier Serhij Veklenko on why the bodies are not underground. It is further stated that no relatives have come to pick them up and bury them. Veklenko estimates that there are 300 dead in the mass grave. – We have buried dead people here since April, he says. (NTB)
