Civic conversations about which parties should sit on the city council in Oslo – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The first two days of talks about a new city council ended without results on Friday. And on Monday, Høyre’s Eirik Lae Solberg says that they have no plans for joint negotiations now. Instead, the Conservative Party will meet each of the bourgeois parties separately. There is thus a standstill in joint negotiations between the parties. Unsettled negotiations “I will take the initiative for a new joint exploratory meeting in the next few days, and will come back to the time for that”, writes Eirik Lae Solberg in a written comment. Only a week and a half after the election victory, the negotiators from the Conservative Party, Liberal Party, KrF and the Progress Party sat down at the same table. The parties met in the library in Høyres Hus on Thursday. Which parties will replace Raymond Johansen’s red-green city council was still unclear when the negotiators took the weekend off. – Demanding talks The Conservative Party would prefer to have a majority city council where both the Liberal Party and the FRP are involved. The Liberals have always said that it is “unlikely” that they will sit on the city council with the FRP. – These are demanding conversations, said Venstre’s group leader Hallstein Bjercke when the probes ended on Friday. – But we all have a responsibility to do what the voters have said, namely that we should have a new city council and a change in Oslo, said the left-wing leader. A city council must have 30 mandates behind it to have a majority: The municipal council in Oslo Oslo has undefined seats in the municipal council. The places are distributed as follows: Climate and drug addiction Bjercke highlighted several problematic issues for news. – There is a big gap between the Liberal Party and the Progress Party in climate policy and transport policy. Drug reform has been a topic we have discussed. Within drug policy, Venstre disagrees with KrF. The conflict is over whether the use and possession of small amounts of drugs should be decriminalised. – These are demanding negotiations, but also constructive negotiations. Or soundings to be precise, said the Conservative Party’s city council leader candidate Eirik Lae Solberg. – Now we meet on Monday and aim to draw a conclusion about the way forward then. Disagreement about the MDG A mutual flirtation between the Liberal Party and the MDG has made the picture more unclear. The Liberal Party spoke warmly throughout the election campaign about a blue-green city council in which MDG is invited. MGD itself opened for this after the election defeat. Eirik Lae Solberg will neither have the MDGs in the city council nor as a cooperation party in the city council.
