City councilor in Oslo Raymond Johansen (Ap) more popular than Eirik Lae Solberg (H) – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– People know who he is. The Conservative Party’s candidate for Oslo city council, Eirik Lae Solberg, talks about his rival Raymond Johansen from the Labor Party. Because who will lead the country’s capital? news and Norstat have asked the people of Oslo who they want as city council leader after the election. 32 percent point to Raymond Johansen (Ap). Only 17 percent answer Eirik Lae Solberg (H). We have asked people if they know who Raymond Johansen and Eirik Lae Solberg are! Few know Lae Solberg It may seem that most people in Oslo do not know who Eirik Lae Solberg is. – Don’t know, say Mina Berg and Mari Nicolaysen in unison when news’s ​​reporter on the street in Skøyen shows them a picture of Eirik Lae Solberg. – Then we have another one on the other side. Do you know who he is? – It’s Raymond something or other, isn’t that his name? answer the friends. Norunn Skorgen is at least nearby. – He is from the Right, but I don’t remember his name. – Eirik Lae Solberg, his name is. – Yes, I was going to say Lae, says Skorgen. She, too, takes Raymond Johansen straight. Norunn Skorgen knows Raymond Johansen better than Eirik Lae Solberg, but will not say who she prefers as city council leader. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news – The parties most important The City Council leader poll was taken up at the same time as the party poll, which news reported on on Tuesday. When we asked which party people would vote for, the Conservative Party received 34.6 per cent support, more than twice as much as the Labor Party. Therefore, Eirik Lae Solberg does not take it so seriously that so many more people answer that they want Raymond Johansen in the chief’s chair than himself. Neither of them nor know is more “popular” than Eirik Lae Solberg. – I think we should first of all look at the parties’ support. And then I do a little better than what I have seen on other similar measurements. I think that’s nice, he says. – Has been city council leader for eight years In fact, only half of the Conservative Party’s own voters answer that they would prefer to have Eirik Lae Solberg as city council leader. – I think it is about the fact that Raymond Johansen has been the leader of the city council for eight years. People know who he is. – I am running and am relatively unknown. I hope that will eventually change. – Should you do something to raise the celebrity factor? – I think we should primarily talk about politics and the political solutions. That is what is important to the city. Poor consolation For Raymond Johansen, it is a poor consolation that he crushes his main competitor in popularity. Johansen also does best among women. Lae Solberg scores the highest among older men. – It is nice to be well liked, but ultimately it is the parties and our politics that people should vote for. – But it is a nice little encouragement. I will definitely give it my all, because this is going to be bone-chilling, says Johansen. Hello! Do you have tips, input or comments on the matter? If so, please contact me by e-mail. I am also interested in input on other matters you think I should look into more closely.
