City council leader Raymond Johansen reacts strongly after the shooting at Ikea in Furuset on Tuesday – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I am completely shocked. What in all the countries and kingdoms of the world is going on? An AK-47 around Ikea on Furuset? This is what city councilor Raymond Johansen (Ap) says after Tuesday’s shooting in a parking lot at Ikea in Furuset. – During opening hours, lots of people around, such a weapon and firing in pure Chicago style… This is completely unacceptable. Very good that the police caught the perpetrator very quickly. He was informed about the shooting in the parking lot by the police on Tuesday evening. – There is a person who is well known to the police and has a long history behind him. Good that they take him, says Johansen. Shooting with AK-47 It was shortly after 8pm on Tuesday that the police were notified of a shooting in the parking lot at Ikea on Furuset in Oslo. The message was that shots were fired at a car parked in the car park. Two cars then drove in separate directions. According to news’s ​​information, at least four shots were fired with an AK-47, which is a two-handed automatic rifle. A man in his 30s was shot in the legs, according to news’s ​​information. The police state that there are no serious injuries. Denies attempted murder A man in his 40s has been charged with attempted murder. His defense attorney Øystein Ola Storrvik tells news that the client admits to having shot, but denies that it was an attempted murder. Storrvik confirms that the man was caught with a two-handed automatic rifle, and that several shots were fired. The defender says that there must have been a conflict which is the background for the shooting. A city with a history of violence Raymond Johansen’s comparison with Chicago is strong food. Chicago is the USA’s third largest city. In 2020, 784 people were killed. There were 274 more than the previous year, according to NTB. The city, which is also called “the windy city”, has a long history of violence in modern times. What many associate the city with is the gangster Al Capone. Gangster Al Capone was a notorious figure in Chicago for several years. Photo: AP Capone was responsible for a number of murders, but was never convicted of this. He was described as a public menace by then-President Herbert Hoover. The American big criminal made a lot of money producing and selling alcohol while the country had alcohol prohibition. In 1927 alone, he had profits of around 105 million dollars. He was finally imprisoned in 1931 for, among other things, not having paid taxes.
