City council leader Raymond Johansen reacts after a man was shot and killed in Greenland in Oslo – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

City councilor Raymond Johansen speaks out after a man was shot and killed in Greenland in Oslo on Sunday morning. Just a few days before, a man was shot at Furuset, and in recent weeks people have also been shot at Torshov and Tøyen Torg. – It is clear that we are concerned about the many shooting incidents that have taken place in Oslo recently, says Johansen. He says the municipality must work harder to prevent recruitment into the criminal circles. One thing the municipality does is to give jobs to more young people. – It is not insignificant how you earn your first kroner, whether it is at work or selling drugs. Preventing older criminals from successfully recruiting younger ones is extremely important. The man was shot and killed close to Vaterlandsparken in Greenland. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB The police also say they are strengthening their efforts against criminal circles in the capital. – We must be more visible outside, strengthen our investigation, and take cases to court more quickly to get judgments, said police inspector Jan Eirik Thomassen in the Oslo police district at a press conference on Sunday afternoon. Criticizes Johansen City council leader candidate for the Conservative Party in next year’s election, Eirik Lae Solberg, criticizes Solberg’s statements. – I am reacting to the fact that the city council leader does not call for a stronger police effort against gang crime in Oslo. Eirik Lae Solberg, Høyre’s city council leader candidate in Oslo for the election next year. Photo: Nadir Alam / news Solberg says he agrees that it is important to work preventively, but that it is not enough. – Both summer jobs and leisure facilities for young people are important for prevention, but we must resolve the situation that has arisen now. He expects the city council to come up with more concrete measures. – This goes beyond the safety of the citizens of Oslo. It must be given full priority that the police ensure an end to the series of murders and serious violence. Sources for news: Shooting at Furuset linked to a criminal environment Little trust in the police It is far from the first time that the police and the municipality have promised to do more after a serious criminal incident in Oslo. The leader of the Residents’ Association in Greenland has little faith that the situation will change. – I hope it’s right, but I don’t believe it until I see it. And I think that applies to quite a few here, says Berit Jagmann. Berit Jagmann, chairman of the Residents’ Association in Greenland. Photo: Live Wold / news She says many who live in Greenland have little confidence that the police can improve the situation. One of the reasons is that the police do not crack down enough on open drug sales in the area. – For me, it is completely incomprehensible. Nothing is more preventive than removing open drug sales. Children, young people and adults see that they can do anything without being punished, says Jagmann. She also says that many parents who live in tight quarters with their children are afraid to let them out on the street. – They are afraid that the children will end up in environments they should not be in. We know that the criminals actively recruit among local children and young people. Investigating whether the murder was revenge It was around 4 o’clock on Sunday that a man in his late 20s was shot and killed at the Vaterlandsparken on Grønland in Oslo. The police believe the murder was a criminal settlement, and that there were several people involved. They have arrested two people, and one, a man in his 20s, is charged with complicity in murder. He denies criminal guilt, informs his defender, Inam Ghous Ali. Crime technician at work at the scene of the murder in Greenland. Photo: HALLDOR ASVALL / news The murdered man has previously been convicted of several offences, and belongs to a criminal milieu. The police therefore believe that he was not a random victim. According to news, the man has testified in several court cases. One of several theories the police are now investigating is whether he was killed as revenge for having testified. The police have obtained surveillance video from the area, but will not say any details about what the videos show. Nor will they say whether they have found the murder weapon. The man was shot at Vaterlandsparken on Grønland in central Oslo.
