City council leader poll – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The distance between the combat taps does indeed shrink a bit. In Norstat’s city council leader poll for news in May, only 17 percent wanted Eirik Lae Solberg in the chief’s chair. Now 24 percent point to Høyre’s Oslo summit. Prefers Raymond Raymond Johansen also increases his support, but somewhat less. Finally, 32 percent of the voters answered that they prefer the man who has governed Oslo for eight years. In Norstat’s August poll, he gets 37 percent. Or more precisely the somewhat legendary result of 36.9. – Better to be popular news’s ​​recent party poll on Tuesday shows a weak 16.2 percent for the Labor Party in Oslo. The right gets 33.8, more than twice as much. Raymond Johansen makes no secret of the fact that he thinks that what mostly appears as a personal popularity measurement is of little importance in that context. – The only thing that matters is the election on 11 September. But it is better to be popular than unpopular, he says. The challenger from the right sees the measurement as an encouragement. Eirik Lae Solberg smiles after the recent measurement. Here the Conservative Party gets twice as many votes as the Labor Party. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – It’s nice that more people have faith in me as city council leader. So I hope it continues. – 17 percent last time was really bad, then. – I was a fairly unknown candidate to many recently. As people get a sense of Høyre’s message and hopefully notice me, it may well help a bit, says Eirik Lae Solberg. Several have made up their minds In the survey, there are fewer who do not want one of them as boss in Oslo. And fewer who don’t mean anything. – It has now been discovered that there are municipal elections. Neither Jonas Gahr Støre nor Erna Solberg is standing for election, says Raymond Johansen. – But Eirik Lae Solberg goes even further? – I hope we can now concentrate on politics. I’m talking about continuing to have property tax and investing in care for the elderly and giving the young people opportunities. – Now I miss the Conservative Party telling them where to cut, says the Labor Party’s city council leader. Raymond Johansen also scores best among women, and especially in the 30-39 age group. Eirik Lae Solberg is most popular among men over fifty.
