City council leader Eirik Lae Solberg recommends Palestine flag at Oslo City Hall – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The background is a proposal from Rødt to light up the town hall with the colors of the Palestinian flag on the same day. 29 November is the UN’s International Day of Solidarity for the Palestinian People. The Business Committee of Oslo City Council postponed consideration of the case on 6 November, and asked the City Council leader to consider the issue before the next meeting. At the same time, the Labor Party proposed raising the Palestine flag on the town hall’s flagpoles instead of lighting the facade. It was also done on Palestine Day last year. – Caution should be exercised In his response, city council leader Eirik Lae Solberg (H) writes that “caution should be exercised when using the town hall to express support or highlight political positions through flagging and lighting”. RECOMMENDS FLAGGING: City council leader Eirik Lae Solberg (H). Photo: Tom Balgaard/news He has assessed the case in consultation with City Hall’s administrative service and Oslo Municipality’s international office. – The town hall must be a house for all residents of the city regardless of political position, religion and outlook on life, and not contribute to polarization in the public discourse, writes Solberg. The city council leader also writes that Oslo must tread particularly carefully in matters that are strongly linked to Norwegian foreign policy. Recommends exceptions But: – The terrible suffering of the civilian population in Gaza, however, dictates that an exception be made, writes Eirik Lae Solberg. That is why he recommends that Oslo Municipality fly the flag on the UN’s Palestine Day on 29 November. At the same time, he recommends that both the Palestinian and UN flags be raised. The business committee will consider the matter again next Monday. Awaiting “unifying solution” Kristelig Folkeparti’s Øyvind Håbrekke writes in an SMS to news that he and several others at the meeting on 6 November asked that the parties find a solution that everyone can support. – Since then there have been no talks to find a unified solution, nor do I see that such a unified solution is described in the city council leader’s letter, writes Håbrekke. – I await the discussion in the Business Committee on Monday to see if it is possible. He agrees with the town council leader’s view that they should be careful about using the town hall to highlight political positions. Øyvind Håbrekke is KrF’s only representative in the city council. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Happy opposition Rødt’s group leader Siavash Mobasheri says that the most important thing is to show solidarity with the Palestinian people, not necessarily to light up the town hall, as they first proposed. HAPPY FOR MARKING: Rødt’s group leader Siavash Mobasheri. Photo: Fouad Acharki / news – I am very happy that for the second year in a row we in Rødt will join the rest of the city council in marking the UN’s International Day for the Palestinian People. – This is particularly important in the situation many Palestinians find themselves in, both in Norway, but also especially in Gaza and the West Bank, says Mobasheri. Abdullah Alsabeehg, deputy leader of the Labor Party’s city council group, also believes that the flag is extra important now. SATISFIED: Abdullah Alsabeegh (Ap) believes it is right that the municipality shows solidarity. Photo: Mats Rønning / news – So far, many thousands of people have been killed in Gaza, and it is very important to show solidarity. Support for Norwegian Jews In his reply, Eirik Lae Solberg emphasizes that there is suffering in the civilian population on both sides of the war. He points out that mayor Anne Lindboe (H) is planning a larger event on 26 November. Then it is 81 years since the ship D/S Donau left Oslo harbor with 529 Norwegian Jews on board bound for the Auschwitz concentration camp. – The day also marks that it is 50 days since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October in which many civilians were killed or abducted and taken hostage. – Jews living in Oslo and elsewhere experience increasing anti-Semitism and great insecurity. I believe it is important that Oslo municipality shows our support, writes Eirik Lae Solberg.
