Christian Sørum lost his mother: – The family has meant everything – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– The family has meant everything. Mum and dad actually met on the volleyball court, says Sørum with a lump in his throat. It has been a tough winter for Christian Sandlie Sørum. On 19 December, the 28-year-old lost her mother, Marianne Sandlie Sørum, after a year of cancer. It was VG who first mentioned the case. – One of the worst things that could be Sørum tells news openly about the tough time of the last year. It was just before Christmas in 2022 that he received the tough message. He was just about to board a plane when he saw he had a missed call from his mother. – Then there was a message that said call me, with a heart. With a rather serious tone, so I realized that it was something serious. I sent a quick message and asked if it was serious or important, and she said yes, with a heart, says Sørum. SUPPORTED ALL THE WAY: Parents Marianne Sandlie Sørum and Espen Sørum cheered for their son’s Olympic gold in 2021. Photo: Synne Sørenes / news On the flight home, many thoughts went through his mind. – The flight was not pleasant. I realized it was something serious, but I didn’t want to think too much either. just wait to be notified. Don’t over think. But it was one of the worst things that could happen. They hoped it would not be that serious, but further examinations showed that the cancer was aggressive. Together with partner Anders Mol, the duo ventured further and did so well that they were nominated for the team of the year at the sports gala. Nevertheless, thoughts were always at home with the family. – It has been tough to leave home, but I also know that she loved watching us play and sitting in her chair cheering. So the motivation for me was to do it for her. – Will do things she liked Together, the duo Mol/Sørum have won both EC, WC and Olympic gold, in addition to a number of other achievements in various tournaments. SUPERDUO: Christian Sørum and Anders Mol have won both Olympic and World Cup gold together. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Both come from families who live and are passionate about volleyball. In an interview with Aftenposten in 2018, mother Marianne Sørum said: – If it goes so far that we have to sell the house to help the children, we would have done it. We want this too. We will support the guys as far as possible. Sørum is clearly moved when news reads the quote five years later. – They have been there all the way and have been very supportive. I am incredibly grateful for that, not everyone has the relationship with their parents and mother that I have had, says Sørum and continues: – The fact that I have had the years I have had, and the last time too, has been fantastic and there are memories I will take with me for the rest of my life. I’ll take her with me on, even if she’s not here, she’ll go on with me. We will do things we know she would have liked, he says. LAST CHRISTMAS: Christian Sørum with mum Marianne, dad Espen and brother Aleksander on Christmas Eve 2022. Photo: Privat For example, he made porridge and put up the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. A tradition the mother had always carried on. – There are things we know mum really appreciated and there are things we will continue to do. Paying tribute to their partner The duo Mol/Sørum refer to each other as best friends. Both now wear a small bracelet around their wrist. “Fuck cancer” it says. This summer they both shaved their hair before a tournament. But late in the autumn they realized which way it was going. The support from the partner has been important for Sørum. – He has, in a way, made this possible. He has said that we won’t play another tournament if I don’t feel like it. It has been an important part of the fact that I have been able to carry out what I have done and that I know that the family has taken care of my mother at home, says Sørum. GOLD: In the summer, the duo Mol/Sørum will try to defend the Olympic gold from Tokyo in 2021. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Anders Mol is impressed by how his partner has coped with the tough year. – It has been incredibly tough to see my very best friend go through what he has gone through. We are incredibly close and close with that family and I am very happy with that family and Marianne. You can see that he has been affected throughout much of the season, says Mol. Now they are embarking on an Olympic season. They are reigning champions, but for the duo other things have been more important than sport in the year before the Olympics. – He has been incredibly strong and Marianne has also been incredibly strong through it. And set the framework a bit for how the family should feel and really cheered for Christian to have fun and have a good time with sport.
