Chinese authorities with support for Russia after Wagner rebellion – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Saturday, Vladimir Putin faced his biggest challenge during his 23-year rule. The heavily armed mercenaries of the Wagner group took several Russian cities and headed for Moscow. But only yesterday evening did neighboring country and business partner China comment on the incident: “This is Russia’s internal matter,” begins the short message published online by a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry. It was CNN that first mentioned the message. “As a Russia-friendly neighboring country, and comprehensive strategic coordination partner for the new era, China supports Russia in maintaining national stability, development and prosperity.” The announcement came after Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko flew to Beijing to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Sunday. The two are said to have exchanged views on Sino-Russian relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest, according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, writes CNN. – The Chinese side showed appreciation for the efforts of the Russian leadership to stabilize the situation in the country in connection with the events of 24 June. They reaffirmed their interest in strengthening the community and further prosperity of Russia, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said in a statement. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko flew to Beijing on Sunday to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang. According to the Russians, the Sunday meeting was planned. Photo: The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP / AP By then, Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin had long since entered into a secret agreement negotiated by Belarus’s President Aleksandr Lukashenko. China has never condemned the invasion of Ukraine, but has stated that the country is neutral and has offered to mediate. “Borderless” friendship The friendship and cooperation between the two countries has been described by both parties as “borderless” several times. When Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Misjustin visited Russia at the end of May, it was emphasized that the cooperation between the two countries is stronger than ever. Trade so far this year was close to NOK 770 billion, an increase of 40 per cent from the same period last year, according to China’s Prime Minister Li Qiang. While China buys cheap Russian oil and gas, Russia is more dependent on its neighbor as a result of Western sanctions. Both countries want a weaker West. The ties between Moscow and Beijing are now stronger than ever. In March this year, Xi Jinping visited Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Photo: Pavel Byrkin / AP A new world order Chinese President Xi Jinping’s government has long used the term “new era” (新时时) in public statements. During a party congress back in 2017, President Jinping repeated the term a total of 46 times, according to the online newspaper The Diplomat. Among other things, there will be a reference to the president’s years in power, the next 30 years, and the achievement of the so-called “Chinese dream”.
