China praises the US for constructive climate talks – Latest news – news

19 November 2022 at 21:11 China praises the US for constructive climate talks China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua says the resumed talks with US climate envoy John Kerry have been very constructive. The two climate summits have met at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt after Presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden agreed at the G20 summit earlier this week to resume the climate dialogue. On Saturday, Xie described the talks with Kerry as “candid, friendly, positive and above all constructive”. – We agree to continue the formal talks, also face to face, also after the climate summit is over, says Xie. China suspended the climate dialogue with the United States after US congresswoman Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in August. China and the USA are the countries with by far the largest climate emissions in the world. What they choose to do with their emissions is therefore absolutely crucial for the fight against global warming. (NTB)
