China asks Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty – Latest news – news

24 February 2023 at 03:44 China asks Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty In a statement published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website, China has emphasized that the sovereignty of all countries must be respected and that international law must be followed. China further emphasizes that dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out of the conflict in Ukraine. They warn against the conflict getting out of control. China is calling for a full ceasefire on the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of the neighboring country. – Conflict and war benefit no one. Both parties must act rationally and show restraint, and prevent the crisis from getting out of control, the statement says. China also emphasizes that nuclear weapons must not be used. They also warn that biological and chemical weapons “must under no circumstances be developed”. China is also asking for sanctions that have not been approved by the UN Security Council to be stopped.
