Children with heart disease were finally to visit Captain Sabertooth, but were stopped by the pilot strike – news Troms and Finnmark

– We think it is very broken. Many of the children of the heart have not met in two years. They have not met children with the same diagnosis and life as them. It was important for us that they should have a nice holiday, says leader of the Association for heart-sick children in Troms, Ingrid Tuflåt Haukland to news. The organization had spent a year planning to travel to Kristiansand Zoo, and the trip was to take place this week. Split up In total, seven families in the organization had signed up. But because of the strike, only five of them are allowed to travel. Two of the families have not found transport south. – Several take a car and several split up the family. Some send a parent and one child with a plane and a parent and one child with another plane. Some have left beforehand and are already there, says Haukland. Parts of the organization Ingrid Tuflåt Haukland is the leader of not allowed to travel on trips this summer. Several children of the heart have not seen each other in several years. Photo: ICare, Blindeforbundet Postponing the trip has not been an option, this is because all flights from Tromsø and south are sold out. – All departures with Flyr and Norwegian are fully booked. Trains from Narvik via Sweden to Oslo are also fully booked. In addition to the almost sold-out airline tickets, the prices of the available tickets are sky high. Organization has covered parts of the trip with contributions from funds, but parts of the expenses must be covered by the families themselves. – The most expensive part of the trip is the flight from Tromsø south. They have tried to stretch for the longest time, but there are financial aspects, you can not afford to rebook tickets for a family of four, it costs almost a month’s salary. – Not the most pity for us Despite the sad situation, Haukland points out that they are aware that there are many who have major consequences from the strike. This is the conflict SAS and their pilots are not in disagreement about pay. The core of the conflict is the creation of two staffing companies. During the pandemic, around 560 pilots lost their jobs. At the same time, SAS established two subsidiaries. They were named SAS Link and SAS Connect. These will take over aircraft and be filled with new pilots. The SAS pilots who were laid off during the pandemic will have their job back. They say SAS is trying to circumvent its obligations to bring the dismissed pilots back. SAS rejects this. They believe the company takes into account all agreements entered into. According to the pilot association, the pilots have agreed to savings measures that amount to 25 percent savings. In return, they will have an assurance that it is their members who get the new jobs that will be filled in SAS Link and SAS Connect. – It is important that we look at why there is a strike, there is a danger that ten thousand are without a job, it is also a bad case. It’s not our pity. We just want our kids to meet and have a great holiday experience.
