Children left objects on railway tracks in Larvik – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

On Tuesday 11 April, the police were informed that someone had placed several large objects on the railway track outside the center of Larvik. All train traffic was stopped for a period, and fire extinguishers, stone slabs and a log were found in and around the tracks, among other things. Now three children have admitted that they were the ones who placed the objects in the track. All are under the criminal minimum age of 15, states the South-Eastern Police District in a press release. – They have obviously not understood the consequences of what they have done, says police station chief Tor Eriksen. Tor Eriksen is the police station chief in Larvik. Photo: Robert Hansen / news Tips led to The children have been questioned over the past few days. According to the station manager, it was specific tips that eventually led the police to come into contact with the young perpetrators. The three have explained that all the objects that ended up in the railway tracks were found in the immediate area. The children are followed up by guardians and the police are in contact with the school the children attend. The police now consider the case from 11 April solved. It will be dropped due to the children’s young age. This fire extinguisher was left at the railway track in Larvik on Wednesday 12 April. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news More incidents The police in Larvik are still investigating two similar cases. On 19 April, an electric scooter was hit near a level crossing. Three days later Styrofoam blocks were found in the railway track. The children who admit to having posted the items on 11 April cannot be linked to the other incidents, says the police station chief. – But the clues point in the direction of children being behind it too, says Eriksen. Avoid similar situations Pål Buset is responsible for Bane Nor’s attitude-building work. He says that they are primarily happy that they have gained clarity as to who is behind it. – We will work preventively in the area to ensure that similar actions do not happen again. Pål Buset is responsible for attitude-creating work at Bane Nor. Photo: Bård Nafstad / news In such cases, whether it is vandalism, someone who has entered the railway area or observations of children on or near the track, Buset always contacts the school management in the immediate area. – I will now call some of the schools in the area, and offer school visits and hear what we can assist school management and teachers with to avoid similar situations arising again, says Buset. – Otherwise, I would like to believe that those concerned have probably understood the seriousness by now, after sitting in for questioning with the police and guardians.
