Children killed in Kyiv – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

From the flight alarm going off in the Ukrainian capital to the sound of explosions echoing in the darkness of the night, it took only five minutes. The city was attacked with ballistic missiles. They quickly reach their destination. The missiles were of the Iskander type. They are said to have been fired from the Russian county of Bryansk. From there, the distance is less than 300 kilometers. HIT HERE: This tall residential building in Kyiv was damaged last night Photo: The military administration in Kyiv Supposed to have been shot down The Ukrainians claim they shot down the missiles that came from Russia. The damage is said to have occurred when remnants of missiles fell down. Three people lost their lives, the authorities in Kyiv report. Two of the dead are said to be children. The youngest child was five years old, the oldest twelve. In addition, at least 14 people were injured. The three who died are said to have been hit by falling missile debris. The Ukrainian broadcaster Suspilne News reports that the three had tried to enter a bomb shelter that was closed. They were therefore out on the street. Children’s Day 1 June is Children’s Day in Ukraine, Russia and a number of other countries in the eastern part of Europe. It is pointed out in Ukrainian social media that the correct title is “The International Day for the Protection of Children”. – Two children killed last night in Kiev in a Russian attack. Today is International Children’s Day, the first day of summer. And another night of Russian terror, writes the Ukrainian lawyer and activist Maria Avdeeva on Twitter. KILLED CHILDREN: The Ukrainian lawyer Maria Avdeeva documents damage caused to civil society. She calls the night’s attack Russian terror. Photo: Avdeeva
