Child protection does not have enough emergency places – young people are placed in hotels and in police custody – news Nordland

It is the municipal child protection agency that decides that a child must be moved urgently. For a young person struggling with substance abuse and acting out, an institution is often the only option. But there are not enough places. This means that young people in crisis can end up in a solitary confinement cell with the police. Now a nationwide network for child welfare guards is sounding the alarm. In a letter they have written, it appears that children and young people who struggle with drugs, mental illness and crime are sent around the country. They are placed in hotel rooms and in police custody, due to a lack of emergency places. In the letter, the 21 child welfare officers describe the situation as very unfortunate: “The children feel that they become pawns in the system. It is difficult to give them the feeling of being safely looked after,” they write further. The number of emergency placements is increasing Today, approximately 1,000 children and young people live in institutions. The authorities have a goal of getting into families earlier and reducing the number of emergency placements. In Bodø, things are now going in the opposite direction. This is confirmed by the child protection agency in Bodø, which is included in the letter to Bufdir. – We have a large increase in the number of children we have to place, says head of department Kristine Udnesseter in the children’s welfare service in Bodø. At the childcare center in Bodø, they are at work around the clock, at night they are on duty from home. Head of department Kristine Udnesseter th and Laila Sæthre on the left Photo: Barbro Andersen / news This week alone, the child protection agency has sent two children away from the city, due to a lack of alternatives in the local area. Employees from child protection and the police had to accompany them where they were going. – It has been energy demanding. A lot of resources are spent on such a case, says Ronny Hetzler. He is one of two at work tonight at the Children’s Protection Agency in Bodø. Ronny Hetzler at Barnevernvakta Bodø Photo: Barbro Andersen / news So far this year, they have placed ten children in emergency care. Same period last year only one child. When children and young people are placed in the emergency room, it usually happens through the use of coercion. The children who have to be moved during the day often have major challenges, according to Udnesseter. The child welfare services’ offer while they are waiting in an emergency room Stay with the police, but mainly outside the prison cell. Rather in an office/room that is suitable at child care. We have our own rooms where the child/youth can sleep. Housing offer Foyer, apartment when it is available In a hotel when it is necessary/justifiable (Mary Brattøy in the children’s welfare office in Bodø about what they can offer while they are waiting for an emergency place from Bufetat) – It is a lot of acting out, children who do not relate to the frames, rules and boundaries that apply, neither in the family nor in society. First, they look for a solution in the network, with family or others who know the young person. – The biggest challenge for us is that the placements we get from Bufetat are far away, and that it takes time before we get an offer of a placement. 160 miles from home It is Bufetat that is responsible for providing the emergency places that the municipal child welfare services need. But they don’t always succeed. Last autumn, the situation worsened. – It turned to us not getting emergency places at all on the eve of 2022, and that continued into 2023. The fact that children and young people are sent 160 miles away from their home is a challenge in itself, says Kine Djupvik. She represents the “Ledernettrevket for child protection guards” and is the head of the child protection watchdog in Molde. Kine Djupvik, the leader’s network for child protection acts and head of the child protection watch in Molde. – In many cases where there is talk of acting out and intoxication, it is not justifiable for an emergency home to accept the child. Then an institution is the only solution, she explains. But the institutions do not have enough emergency places. – What are you doing then? – Yes, then we get creative, says Djupvik. And adds: – There have been overnight stays in hotels with employees from the child protection service to follow up and look after. In Trøndelag, detention has been used with a child welfare officer present. – In the worst case, we have to let the youth go, send them back home, she adds. Can be life-threatening Djupvik says that there can be serious consequences if there is no offer. – Maybe life-threatening. These are often young people with major challenges, substance abuse problems, mental illness. She explains that they are not allowed to do their job, which is to get children and families the right help at the right time. The challenges are somewhat related to the child welfare reform, where one of the goals is fewer emergency placements, Djupvik believes. – Unfortunately, it will take time before you see the impact of the reform, and there will still be a need for emergency places for several years to come. Bufetat: – Very regrettable Figures news has had access to show that so far this year there have been many more cases where the municipalities do not get the emergency places they need. In 2022, there were 12 breaches of the duty to provide assistance in the five regions, while so far this year there have been 16 breaches, the figures from Bufetat show. 12 of the breaches this year have been in Region Midt-Norway (Trøndelag). – Bufetat should be prepared to fulfill its obligation to provide assistance, and have enough places available at all times, Djupvik believes. In these cases, the state administrator has concluded that the child has not received what the law requires. They also have pending cases that have not yet been decided. Sissel Fjelnset, department director for intake and emergency in Bufetat region Midt-Norway apologizes for the breaches. – We have a duty to assist the municipalities with institutional places for young people. But when we do not have enough places, it is the municipalities that have to find solutions. This is very regrettable. – Crime and drug addiction The need for emergency places varies over time, and there are several reasons why Bufetat now has challenges in obtaining enough places. One group in particular comes out badly. – There are young people with serious behavioral problems such as crime and substance abuse that we struggle to find places for, says Fjelnset. – What do you think about children in crisis having to spend time in police custody due to a lack of emergency places? – It is regrettable that we cannot deliver an emergency place when the municipality requests it. When we fail to do so, it is the municipality that must find solutions and make an assessment of what they want to do. Fjelnset emphasizes that Bufetat offers approved and safe childcare institution places. – We have to be able to professionally defend the placements we carry out, she says Bufdir has not yet responded to the letter the leadership network sent them in January. Here is the full response from Region Midt-Norway – We have no breach of the duty to provide assistance as of now and are working to build up sufficient emergency capacity, but also long-term places. Among other things, we have entered into an agreement with several private players about places, says Fjelnset. She further points out that it is demanding to have enough and not least the right places. – We can accommodate smaller children. Fjelnset points to several reasons for the deplorable situation the region has been in in the first months of this year. – The reason why we have had so many breaches so far this year is that several municipalities have entered burdened youth environments, which has increased the number of children in need of institutional places at the same time. She adds: – In addition, there have been several fires at our institutions which have contributed to reducing the number of places we have at our disposal, says Sissel Fjelnset, department director for admissions and emergency in Bufetat region Midt-Norway. Don’t have to be alone In Bodø, children on the run are a special challenge. The city attracts young people from other municipalities, sometimes it is a drug environment they seek out far from their own home. Recently, a young person required very large resources from child protection and the police. According to the Child Welfare Service in Bodø, there is a high threshold for intervention and emergency placement of children and young people. Then everything else has been tried or considered insufficient. – There have been many serious behavioral challenges. Young people blowing themselves up, illegal drugs, explains Laila Sæthre. Photo: Barbro Andersen / news Also this evening, the two of them work at the child protection watch to find good solutions. They have good support in their leaders. – I think we can probably find solutions tonight. But I’m not sure if we’ll be able to find a good solution over time, says Laila Sæthre. It is important to find someone in the network who can stand up. Perhaps get an assessment from the emergency room in relation to a possible admission to psychiatry. The aim is that the young people will in any case not have to be alone tonight.
