Chicken kebab meat can be a source of salmonella – Latest news – news

16 August 2023 at 19:35 Chicken kebab meat may be a source of salmonella Chicken kebab meat from Poland may be the link between a number of salmonella outbreaks in Europe, including in Norway, according to Austria’s food inspectorate. The AGES inspectorate says it has traced 27 salmonella cases in several countries back to Polish meat. The cases of infection were registered between February and July and include cases from Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany and Austria. One of those infected in Austria died. The German Public Health Institute has registered ten salmonella cases. – There are currently three outbreaks that can be linked to the report from Austria, the institute states. In March and April, Poland sent nine notifications to the EU’s alert system for food safety. The country is the EU’s largest poultry producer with a production of 3 million tonnes last year. Half of this goes to export, which, according to Poland’s Ministry of Agriculture, makes the country the world’s fourth largest exporter of poultry meat and the second largest exporter in the EU. (NTB)
