Cheers for referendum in Søgne – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We have worked night and day for this for two years. We have worked very hard, and now we have finally managed it. This is what Sigurd Berg Aasen says in the action group “We who want Søgne municipality back”. On Tuesday, the government promised Søgne and Songdalen a referendum on municipal dissolution in 2023. Aasen says that they will not give up until they have the referendum in the box, and it is written in black and white that Søgne will re-emerge as a separate municipality. It is an incredible joy on behalf of the majority in Søgne. On the other hand, it depends on whether they have the people with them. If the referendum shows that most people will remain in Kristiansand municipality, the action group will give up. Fear of poorer services The case has created major reactions in the political environment on Tuesday. Kristiansand Labor Party mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland (Labor Party) says that the process has been run without the local party being involved. They perceive this as a major breach of trust and a breach of the Hurdal platform. Kristiansand Labor Party mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland (Labor Party) says that he thinks it is very rude, and that no respect is shown for local democracy. – We know that the Center Party has pressed very hard, and I can not understand in relation to local democracy that this is the right way to do it. I am surprised that the Labor Party allows itself to be pressured, but it is clear that it has been so important for the Center Party that they have almost issued an ultimatum to get this through. – This is another signal that goes in the direction that one should consider whether it is appropriate for the Labor Party to be in government with the Center Party. Fearing children will be the losers Leader of Kristiansand Young Conservatives Siri Heimdal Knudsen, believes a dissolution will affect the municipal services and affect those who need this most. – Those who will notice this on the body are the children who need strong teams around them, child welfare children, school children who need extra follow-up and more. She believes that Søgne municipality is not able to deliver well enough as an independent municipality, but that Kristiansand municipality has managed this. – I think it’s nice to say that I come from Søgne, but it’s not so nice to say that I come from a municipality that can not help those who need it. The leader of Kristiansand Unge Høyre feels overwhelmed, and believes that the city council is doing the same. Photo: Private Divided opinions among residents Anne Lise Riseng lives in Søgne, and is critical of the fact that there will now be a referendum. She has previously shown dissatisfaction with the action group’s collection of signatures. – I am disappointed, astonished and wonder why the supreme authorities do not respect a decision of the city council. I think that once we have chosen someone in there, we have to trust them, she says. A resident of Søgne, Anne Lise Riseng, thinks there are many who think the same as her, but who do not dare to say it out loud. Photo: Geir Ingar Egeland / news Residents are positive Several residents in Søgne news has spoken to are pleased that there will be a referendum. – I would like to go back again, but you never know. I hope it will be like this, says Kalle Andresen. Karen Marie Orthe thinks the referendum is a good thing. The same is Silje Spikkeland. – It is good that the people get to decide and are allowed to cast their vote. I am very positive about this and think it is good news, says Spikkeland. Resident of Søgne Silje Spikkestad, thinks it was better when Søgne was an independent municipality. Photo: Eirik Rognaldsen / news Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
