Changing the summer holidays – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

4 out of 10 are now changing their summer holiday plans for this year. This means that they either drop their summer holiday altogether, change their destination or change the content of their holiday. This is shown by figures from European Travel Insurance. The insurance customers say that this year’s holiday plans have been changed as a result of the economic situation. The Norwegian krone is weak, inflation is high and the vast majority of people have experienced both expensive electricity and high interest rates over the past year. Andreas Bibow Handeland in European Travel Insurance sees that especially young people without children are good at changing their summer holiday plans Photo: If – What we see is that especially the younger people, people in the age group between 18 and 30, are good at adjusting, says the director of communications in European Travel Insurance, Andreas Bibow Handeland. – Especially those who have not yet had children are good at getting around and choosing a more affordable holiday, he says. news has asked tour operators, travel agencies and airlines if they notice a change in what people are looking for. Several respond that many now choose what is called “all inclusive”, meaning that you have already paid in advance for example food, transport and other things on the charter holiday. It ensures that people have greater control over their spending. In addition, people choose one week instead of two weeks, but most people still prioritize summer holidays and few cancel their tickets. Older people benefit – Those in the age group of 50 and over, and with a good income, drive as before because they can afford to go on holiday even though it has become more expensive to go on holiday abroad, says Andreas Bibow Handeland. Most Norwegians choose a summer holiday abroad in a traditional way, and it is Greece and Spain that top the choice of holiday. Both countries have the euro as their currency and it is now very strong against the Norwegian krone. One euro currently costs you almost NOK 12, which makes shopping and food and drink more expensive. Accommodation is also skyrocketing. Choosing other countries It makes us think again and more people choose to have their summer holidays in countries that do not have the euro as their currency. Terje Berge at sees that more and more people are choosing countries that do not have the Euro as their currency. Photo: – When it comes to package holidays, we see that more and more people are choosing what we call “non-euro”, says director of, Terje Berge. monitors our travel habits and sees that Turkey in particular is emerging as a new favourite. The Norwegian krone is still strong against the Turkish lira, but also against the Bulgarian lev and the Polish zloty. Then you get more for your money if you choose to have a holiday in these countries. Young people that news has spoken to say they choose the most affordable transport option and Interrail is in the shot. Many also get help from their parents and others prioritize their holidays highly in their personal finances. Others choose to drop abroad this year and rather have the holiday here at home. The charter flights are mostly full this summer, but more people choose shorter package holidays and pay for more in advance. Photo: news Want to cancel European Travel Insurance notices that more people are applying to use the travel insurance to cancel the summer holiday they have bought. – The travel insurance does not cover what we call “cold travel feet”, for example if you don’t want to go on holiday after all. The insurance still covers what are urgent reasons why you cannot go, concludes Andreas Bibow Handeland.
