Championship debutant Tobias Schjølberg Grøndahl gained 16 kilos in one summer – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Handball player Tobias Schjølberg Grøndahl is sitting at his mother’s bakery with a Christmas cake. There have been many of them. Last summer, his mother had to feed him more baked goods – when the goal of the elite league club Elverum was to get Grøndahl to gain weight. Over the course of three months, the 20-year-old put on an impressive 16 kilos. LETTARE: Here is a picture of Grøndahl from November 2016. Photo: Private – Then it took more than cookies, laughs Grøndahl and continues: – I got some help to find out how to solve it, and it was actually not very difficult. Between all four main meals I ate two slices of bread. Targeted – It was big action every day, and he followed a strict schedule from a nutritionist in Elverum. He ate all the time, recalls baker mother Tonje Schjølberg Grøndahl. Grøndahl says that he constantly replenished the stock and that eventually it became a habit: – I even stopped eating all the time for a short period. At the same time, of course, I train strength regularly and sensibly. – He is targeted. If he sets a goal, he will achieve it, says mum about her son, who has been a handball talent since childhood. – I noticed it immediately that summer. Having a little more physics to play on, simply, in a body that is basically quite easy against those we meet, helps. I think I have really benefited from it, says the Elverum player about the increased food intake. MOTHER AND SON: Mamma Tonje Schjølberg Grøndahl smeared many slices of liver paste last summer. She brags about how determined the son is. The recipe for success Grøndahl had his breakthrough with Elverum last year. He was then voted the best young playmaker in the Meisterliga. PLAYMAKER: Last year, the 20-year-old was voted best young playmaker in the Meisterliga. Photo: Mats Sparby / news He has now been named in Norway’s World Cup squad. – It’s a small childhood dream coming true, admits the 20-year-old. Grøndahl thanks the club for the success: – It is perhaps the total package of being in Elverum that helps me develop as a player. He talks about good collaboration with the coaching duo Børge Lund and Raymond Hamar, and the physical apparatus around. – Together we have found a small recipe that has worked very well for me, says the 20-year-old and continues: – My physical trainer makes sure that I am always ready for every single challenge that comes my way. At the same time, I have been training with the best players in Norway for four years now, which has made me an incredibly good handball player. FRAMSTORMANDE: Coach Børge Lund believes Grøndahl has an enormous head for handball. Photo: Mats Sparby / news He is thankful that he has gained so much trust at a young age. Coach Lund believes many young players have a lot to learn from Grøndahl. – There is a young boy who believes in himself. He will probably seem bordering on arrogant. But he is wise enough to know what his strengths are, says the Elverum coach and concludes: – Everything Tobias has done has been aimed at becoming the best. He has performed, and it is not without reason.
