Celebrating Independence Day with embroidered blouses and armored cars – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

August 24 is the day Ukraine became independent from the Soviet Union 35 years ago and Ukraine’s national day. At the same time, it has been 6 months since Russia invaded the country. news is on Majdan Square in Kyiv where people are out in the streets wearing the traditional Ukrainian vyshyvanka blouses to show their patriotism. Anastasya shows her patriotism by posing with a flag in front of an armored car in Kyiv. Photo: Andras D. Hajdu The vast majority of people news speaks to say they are not particularly afraid of rocket attacks today. – It is very important for me to celebrate this day to show that we can win, Mykita tells news. He has just returned from the front. He will celebrate National Day with his wife Maria and family. The flight alert has gone off several times and many are seeking cover on the subway in Kyiv. But some people have become so used to the constant alarms that they hardly laugh at their eyebrows when they start howling. – It is very important for me to celebrate this day to show that we can win, Mykita tells news. He shows his patriotism with his wife Maria in their own vyshyvanka. Photo: András D. Hajdú Patriotic duty to celebrate the day National Day is normally celebrated with military parades and concerts. This year there will be no joint, official celebration. The authorities have urged people not to gather in large crowds and to take cover when the flight alert goes off. Nevertheless, there are many who want to go out into the streets and show that they are patriots. People say that they have lived under this threat for six months, so they know that they can be killed at any time. People take cover at the Majdan metro station in Kyiv after an airplane alert. Photo: Andras D. Hajdu Old armored cars are on display in Majdan Square, which both adults and children pose in front of. news talks to people at a metro station about why they celebrate the national day in the middle of a war: – Our freedom and our national independence are the most important things to me. We should not be dependent on anyone. Ukraine will be free, says Volodomyr. – For me, Independence Day is about our country’s history, from the very beginning to today, says Ilya, who is out walking the streets with his mother Viktoria. – For me, Independence Day is about our country’s history, from the very beginning to today, says Ilya, who is out walking the streets with his mother Viktoria. Photo: András D. Hajdú – We will fight for victory On Wednesday, Ukraine’s national day coincided with the six-month anniversary of the Russian invasion, which Zelenskyj marked in a video speech. – We don’t care what army you have, we only care about our country. We will fight for it to the end, he said. – We don’t care what army you have, we only care about our country. We will fight for it to the end, Zelenskyi said in a speech this morning. Photo: DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP – We have endured for six months. It is tough, but we have clenched our fists and are fighting for our own destiny, Zelenskyj continued. – Every single day is reason enough not to give up. After such a long journey, we can’t help but continue to the end, he said.
