Celebrating 17 May together with the children from Barentsburg – news Troms and Finnmark

This is happening despite the fact that relations between East and West are icy, as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The revelations that the consul in Barentsburg is linked to military intelligence should not stop joint celebration either. Children can be children in Svalbard on Constitution Day. Sarine Masterbakk, Russian president and head of the May 17 committee in Svalbard. Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news Sarine Masterbakk is happy about that. She is president of Russia and head of the May 17 committee. – We have chosen to do it that way because it is Norway’s national day. Children in both Longyearbyen and Barentsburg are children who live on Norwegian soil. We want everyone to celebrate the Norwegian National Day together, she says. Four years ago last This is happening for the first time since 2019. Last year, the delegation from Barentsburg failed to attend. Even if it was invited. – An invitation was sent last year, says the Russian president and head of the May 17 committee in Svalbard. But then they did not participate. At the time, only four months had passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And in 2020 and 2021 it was the corona pandemic that stopped the traditional joint celebration in Longyearbyen. Editor in Svalbardposten, Line Nagell Ylvisåker, praises the young people for including all the children. – I think that when the young people themselves and the May 17 committee want it, then it is a nice gesture. Different reactions She has recently published a book about the new, cold relationship between Norway and Russia. Line Nagell Ylvisåker, editor at Svalbardposten. Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news Although she is happy that children can be children on 17 May, she believes there are divided opinions about the measure among the population. Then she especially thinks of the population who are from Ukraine. – Those who have family in Ukraine and who live under the pressure that they do, will probably think differently about this, she says. The Svalbard editor says it is also not inconceivable that there will be a repeat from last year. In other words, the children from Barentsburg are not allowed to participate. – It is difficult to know what is being thought and who is deciding. It could soon happen this year, she says. – Can the revelations about the consul general have any meaning? – It is difficult for me to answer. But I would like to think that it will have something to say about the atmosphere between the official representatives. And certainly in the story that is told to the rest of the population in Barentsburg. Supported by the governor The governor of Svalbard, Lars Fause, has had a dialogue on 17 May with the Russians on the archipelago. Governor of Svalbard, Lars Fause. Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news – We have said that we want it to be Children’s Day. We stand behind the decision by the local council and the school that the children from Barentsburg are invited here. We will also ensure that they are safe and secure, and have a good experience on our national day. The head of state says that it is in the guidelines from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that people-to-people cooperation should continue for as long as possible – I think everyone understands that taking care of the children is important in that, says Fause. – Hugely important The Russian president and head of the May 17 committee, Sarine Masterbakk, hopes the May 17 celebration on Svalbard will be warm and inclusive. – The feeling that we are one community up here, even though we are two different cities, is important. The children have had a community from before. It is very important for us to continue it.
