Cathrine (29) has worked in a nursery for ten years. Now she is fighting for a better pension – news Vestland

On Tuesday afternoon, the parties in the nursery school strike were called in for compulsory mediation at the Ombudsman. 3,600 organized in Fagforbundet, Delta and Uddanningsforbundet are on strike against the employer, the National Association of Private Kindergartens (PBL). They had a meeting last week, but were unable to come to an agreement. Thus, mediation is compulsory. 6th draw – Kindergarten strike 2022 6th draw (Monday 14 November): Bergen: Akrobaten kindergartenEspira Ulset Skogen kindergartenEspira Grønnestølen kindergartenEspira Solknatten kindergartenEspira Rå kindergartenEspira Rambjøre kindergartenEspira Helldalsåsen kindergartenEventus Eventyrdalen kindergartenEventus Kvernslåten kindergartenEventus Tiriltoppen kindergartenKanvas Bønestoppen kindergartenKanvas Sandslimarka kindergartenKidsa Allestadhaugen kindergartenKidsa Øvre SædalKidsaKidsa Erleveien kindergarten Hylkje kindergarten Kidsa Inndalen kindergarten Kidsa Ladegården kindergarten Kidsa Midtbygda kindergarten Kidsa Varden kindergarten Kidsa Øvsttun kindergarten Kidsa Øyrane kindergarten Learning workshop Fana farm and outdoor kindergarten Learning workshop Kanutten kindergarten Godvik Learning workshop Kjøkkelvik kindergarten Learning workshop Krokusbakken kindergarten Learning workshop Kvernabekken kindergarten Learning workshop Mathopen kindergarten Learning workshop Midtunbråtet kindergarten Learning workshop Åsane farm and outdoor learning workshop det Blomsterdalen barnehage Læringsverkstedet Søreidtunet barnehageLæringsverkstedet Steinvikkroken barnehageNLM – Barnehagene AS Solgløtt barnehageNorlandia Festeråsen barnehage Norlandia Rollandslia barnehage Myren gårdsbarnehageLiland barnehageVindharpen barnehageSenterhagen barnehageAkrobaten barnehage Bodø Læringsverkstedet barnehage avd BodøsjøenLæringsverkstedet barnehage avd Maskinisten friluftsbarnehage Bærum Læringsverkstedet barnehage avd Haslum idrettsbarnehage Bømlo Maurtua barnehage Kristiansand Læringsverkstedet Liantjønn barnehageLæringsverkstedet Hellemyr Solkollen barnehageLæringsverkstedet Sørlandsparken kindergartenStrai kindergarten Trondheim Bergeheim kindergarten Oslo Christiania kindergarten Bjørndalen ALKolåsbakken kindergartenKragskogen kindergartenRustadsaga kindergartenSeilduken kindergartenÖstensjøstua kindergartenArnebråtveien kindergartenEkeberg sports kindergartenEspira Gartnerløkka kindergartenEspira Grefsen Stasjon kindergartenEspira Marienfryd kindergartenLearning workshop Haugerudhagan children ehageLæringsverkstedet Myrens barnehageLæringsverkstedet Nonneseter Kloster IdrettsbarnehageLæringsverkstedet barnehage avd MortensrudLæringsverkstedet Torshovhagen barnehageKanvas BjerkealeenKanvas DumpaKanvas MyrerKanvas SkogbrynetKanvas TinkernKanvas Betha ThorsenKanvas LillomarkaKanvas MidtstuenKanvas RektorhaugenValle Hovin idrettsbarnehageGrønland barnehageØkernly barnehageØstmarka idrettsbarnehage Stavanger Byfjordparken barnehage Espira Fjellsenden NLM Barnehagene – Misjonsbarnehagen Lasse LitenEgenes Idrettsbarnehage Sandnes Espira Eikenøtta naturbarnehageEspira Lura barnehageEspira Sandtoppen Naturbarnehage Espira Taremareby barnehageEspira Vagletjørn kindergarten Learning workshop Bratteborg kindergarten Learning workshop Julebygda kindergarten Learning workshop Vatnekrossen kindergarten Haugesund Espira Karmsund kindergarten Karmøy Espira Litlasund kindergarten Stiftelsen Norheim kindergarten Trondheim Espira Kystad farm kindergarten Bergheim kindergarten Solbakken kindergarten Stavsetmyra kindergarten Ullensake r Læringsverkstedet nursery school Ekornrud Læringsverkstedet nursery school Skogmo Øygarden NLM nursery school in Øygarden Blomvåg nursery school NLM nursery school in Øygarden ward Toftøy nursery school Ålesund Læringsverkstedet Olsvika nursery school Hopp på semje Cathrine Sortland works as a child and youth worker in Espira Hollund in Bømlo. – I hope they come to terms. For me, who is so young, a pension is extra important, she says. It is a workplace she has had since she finished her education. In addition, she has a professional certificate. She only got four days at work after leave, before she had to stand on the other side of the gate at the kindergarten and be a picket guard. – It is clear that it is very special. I had hoped that the strike would be resolved until my leave was over, but that was not the case. Cathrine Sortland is a child and youth worker. She got four days at work before she was called out on strike. Photo: Olav Røli At Bømlo in Vestland, as many as six out of eight kindergartens have been hit by strikes. The municipality has no municipal kindergartens. – The municipality is not a party to the conflict, but we have nursery authority and follow closely the offer that is given, says municipal manager for upbringing, culture and sports in Bømlo municipality, Bjørn Håvard Bjørklund. On Monday afternoon, the strikers in the municipality gathered for a demonstration in the center of Svortland. With appeals, their own strike season and posters, they showed that they were willing to fight for a long time to get their demands through. Few reactions to the State Administrator The local strike leader at Bømlo, May Rita Ersland Fjellheim, does not have much faith that the mediation will take place today. – The distance has been very large between the parties. So I don’t really believe it, she says. So far, the strike does not seem to have caused much unrest among parents in Vestland. Section leader Marianne Svege at the Statsforvaltaren in Vestland tells news that they have so far only received one complaint related to the strike. During the school strike earlier this autumn, there were a number of reports of concern to the governing authorities about how the strike affects children and young people. Nor has the Directorate of Education received many reports related to consequences for children in connection with the strike. About 100 kindergarten employees in the island municipality of Bømlo are on strike. It happens to almost the entire kindergarten offer. Photo: Olav Røli / news Bømlo municipality: Considering reducing subsidies Despite the fact that almost all kindergarten capacity in Bømlo municipality has been affected by the strike, the municipality must still pay support to the kindergartens. According to municipal manager Bjørklund, they pay about 114 million a year in kindergarten subsidies. – We will consider whether it is relevant to cut short the offer for kindergartens that do not offer the service they have received public funds to provide. But how and in what way, we have to get back to, says the municipal manager in Bømlo municipality. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Education sent a letter to KS in which they discussed whether municipalities could withhold subsidies. According to the ministry, this was up to each individual municipality to assess. – It could be that this means that no one has any financial incentives to end the strike, he says. Communications director Marius Iversen at PBL has previously stated that they will not save large amounts on the strike. He denies that this makes them unwilling to end the strike.
