Carried out half of all attacks – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On 1 October, shots were fired at the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. A few hours later, several hand grenades exploded at the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen. Two Swedish teenagers are charged with the attack in Denmark. One of them is also linked to the shooting in Sweden, according to SVT. In addition to the fact that the attacks were aimed at Israeli targets, the atrocities can be linked to two trends in today’s threat picture: several minors are involved in terrorism being carried out for payment DAMAGE: The image shows marks on the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen. Photo: Steven Knap / Ritzau Scanpix (NTB Terror on order On Tuesday, PST raised the threat level in Norway. Part of the background is that actors with financial motivation allow themselves to be recruited to carry out attacks against Jewish and Israeli targets, according to PST. Swedish SVT believes that it knows that the attacks in Sweden and Denmark were carried out on behalf of just such an actor: LINKED TO IRAN: In May this year, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad claimed that Majid had begun working on behalf of Iran. The Swedish gang leader is said to have crossed the border into Iran on 6 October last year. Photo: Swedish police / NTB PST also says that there are signs that both attacks were carried out by someone linked to Iran. One of the accused in Denmark also had “activities linked to Norway” – What is important to note is that there can be links between terror, state actors and criminal networks, says Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl to news. It is not good that cynical criminals and perhaps also state actors recruit children and young people right down to their teens to engage in serious crime and violence, says Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl to news. Photo: William Jobling / news As early as May this year, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad claimed that Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid had started working on assignments for the country. According to SVT, Foxtrot’s main rival is also being pressured by Iran to order attacks against Israeli targets. – Makes criminals run their errands Petter Nesser is chief researcher at the Norwegian Defense Research Institute and BI professor. He says that Iran has historically used Hezbollah as a tool. Now they also seem to have turned against criminals. – There is a lot that is unclear about this, said Nesser in Debatten on news earlier in October. – But it looks like Iran finances criminal networks to run their errands. EXPERT: Terrorist researcher Petter Nesser says that Iran seems to have gained control or contact with criminal networks, which they use to carry out operations in Europe. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Two teenage boys have been charged after the explosions in Copenhagen. So far, there has been no information as to whether the accused were motivated by, for example, money, ideology or a combination of these. Teenage terror In any case, it is clear that more teenagers are involved in terrorism than in the past. – We see an increased involvement of minors in averted and carried out attacks. In the spring of 2024, the majority of those who carried out attacks in the west were minors, writes head of strategic analysis in PST Gry Bull-Hansen in an email to news. INCREASE: Head of strategic analysis in PST Gry Bull-Hansen sees that more minors are involved in terrorism. Photo: Kai Rune Kvitstein / news Bull-Hansen in the counter-terrorism department says that PST has registered increased attack activity from extreme Islamists in the west over the past 12 months. Both IS and Al Qaeda have called for terror as revenge for Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. – Especially Israeli warfare against Gaza has engaged many people of all ages. It particularly appears to have radicalized young people to engage in acts of terrorism, writes Bull-Hansen. Investigating motivation Now the Danish Security Police (PET) is investigating whether the attack on the embassy may have been carried out by paid criminals. – The Swedish authorities have assessed that at least one specific action directed at the Israeli embassy in Stockholm has ties to Iran, PET writes to Danish TV 2. – It is of course a development that PET follows, because if we have a state actor who gets young criminals to carry out actions aimed at Jewish targets in our neighboring countries, then we can be concerned that it will also happen in Denmark. Published 13.10.2024, at 08.54
