Carmen (16) died of her injuries after the accident in Steinkjer – news Trøndelag

On Thursday afternoon, a moped and a car collided in Beitstad in Steinkjer. Two teenage girls sat in the moped. Marianne Setten died on Thursday, while Carmen was taken to St. Olav’s hospital by air ambulance with serious injuries. On Sunday, it became known that she died from her injuries. – Take care of each other. Life can quickly turn around. Carmen’s mother announced the death on her own Facebook page. And in consultation with the parents, news shares the name, picture and text in the post. – The world’s best daughter, with the biggest heart, Carmen Otnæs, died from us now. That’s what my mother wrote on Sunday afternoon. The 16-year-old fought for his life in hospital in the days after the accident, but his life could not be saved. – Take care of each other. Life can quickly turn around. The best go first. The mother writes this on behalf of the family who want help and comfort in everyday life, rather than sending flowers. The mother told Stavanger Aftenblad that Carmen had moved from Stavanger to Steinkjer to start further education in the autumn. In the days after the accident, friends and family have gathered where it happened to remember the two teenage girls. Photo: NTB – A shock and bottomless sorrow On Sunday evening and afternoon, Steinkjer municipality organized an open church and gathering at one of the secondary schools in the municipality. – This is a shock and a bottomless sorrow, says mayor Anne Berit Lein in Steinkjer municipality. Mayor of Steinkjer municipality, Anne Berit Lein, says the entire local community is in mourning. The picture was taken on another occasion. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news The mayor describes the situation as dramatic and difficult for the entire local community, and especially for the relatives. – Especially for those families who are directly affected, but here there are young people who have lived social and active lives with many friends. Meeting places for relatives The young people have a great need for meeting places, so the municipality is making arrangements for this on Sunday evening. – It is important that these offers are here and it was well received by those who came. We will be on the supply side in the future if there are new corresponding needs. Stokka church in Stavanger also has an open church on Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. Carmen’s mother says this on Facebook. Steinkjer municipality is working to close the road where the accident happened for several hours on Monday. This is so that relatives can remember the girls in safe surroundings. Until now, the police have lowered the speed limit on the road from 80 to 50 km/h. The traffic accident is under investigation. Technical investigations have been carried out and it is not yet clear what caused the accident, the police wrote in a press release.
