Carjacking in Klepp – showed off an air pistol – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

23 December 2023 at 20:21 Carjacking in Klepp – showed air gun A woman was robbed of her car at a petrol station on Jærvegen in Klepp at 7pm this evening. The police later arrested three people. The driver is said to have shown a gun to the woman, and asked for her car keys and mobile phone. After that, the robbers quickly drove away from the scene. The three people were later arrested by the police. The police confirm at 20.40 to news that the driver of the car was in possession of an air pistol. – He drove in a dangerous way, with great danger to other traffic, says operations manager Brit Randulff in the Sør-West police district. The robber drove south towards Bryne, and was discovered at 19.54 by a civilian police car, which began to follow the car. The car was eventually stopped on the Ålandsvegen. There were three people in the car, all of whom were arrested. – We are talking about two men and a woman in their 20s, says Randulff. These will be questioned on Sunday morning. Acting lawyer Åshild Lomeland tells news that it does not appear that there is a relationship between the robbers and the offended woman. It is too early to say anything about the robbers’ motivation. – Is it mitigating that the driver of the car had an air pistol, and not a sharp weapon? – For the person who is robbed, the feeling of being threatened will be the same. But the severity of punishment in a possible trial will be higher with a sharp weapon than with an air pistol, says Lomeland. The victim has been questioned, and gave a good description of the man who robbed her. There are no injuries to people or vehicles.
