Cardiovascular diseases have cost more lives than expected – LHL thinks worryingly – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Since the beginning of the 70s, the number of people who die from cardiovascular diseases has fallen dramatically in Norway. Better treatment methods and a healthier lifestyle have been among the main explanations. But two years ago, something startling happened. For the first time in at least 50 years, significantly more deaths than expected were recorded as a result of heart disease. Don’t know the cause During the course of last year, these diseases claimed 1,870 more lives than expected. This corresponds to 22 per cent more than calculated, according to the Institute of Public Health’s cause of death register. Senior doctor Guttorm Raknes at the National Institute of Public Health’s cause of death register. Photo: Privat In 2021, 1,280 more people died than expected. Those in the age group under 70 are also affected to a greater extent than previous developments would suggest. Currently, FHI cannot say anything for certain about the reasons for the sudden increase. – There is uncertainty associated with these figures. Some of the increase is due to the general increase in mortality. Both changes in reporting through electronic death notification, the pandemic and an expected flattening may also have played a role. We do not know this for sure, says senior physician Guttorm Raknes at FHI. The diagram shows the development in mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Norway. In 2021, an unexpected change occurs. Graphic: FHI Fewer people die from heart attacks The group “other ischemic heart disease” has had a clear increase in mortality. This category includes, among other things, complications after a heart attack, atherosclerosis, heart spasms, and several chronic heart diseases. High blood pressure has also claimed more lives than expected. When it comes to mortality from strokes and heart attacks, the situation is different. – I find it reassuring that the traditionally major causes of death, acute heart attack and stroke, were rarer than ever in 2022. In the early 1970s, around ten thousand more people died from stroke and heart attack, despite the fact that the population has increased by around 40 percent, says Raknes. Despite the fact that the figures are record low, the mortality rate is higher than expected for both acute heart attack and vascular diseases in the brain. Does not rule out a connection with covid-19 The increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases occurred at the same time as the pandemic hit Norway. Other countries are also experiencing a similar development. In the past, several research studies have pointed to a probable connection between covid-19 and heart disease. – It is not possible to say anything about this based on the cause of death statistics, and not until we have the results of good scientific studies. I would not completely rule out that the coronavirus could have direct negative effects on the cardiovascular system, says Raknes. He also does not rule out that generally impaired health after covid-19 infection increases the risk of dying from various heart diseases. Total mortality was historically high in Norway last year, partly due to the pandemic. 5,815 more deaths than expected were recorded, but half of these did not have covid-19 as the underlying cause of death. Cancer has also claimed more human lives than expected in 2022. For the first time since 2010, the death rate is higher than the previous year. The same applies to the popular disease diabetes, which has had an upward trend in the last two years. Secretary General Frode Jahren of the National Association for Heart and Lung Disease expects the health authorities to survey the reasons for the increased mortality. Photo: Christopher Olssøn / LHL LHL: – Worrying General Secretary Frode Jahren of the National Heart and Lung Disease Association (LHL) describes the development as surprising and worrying. – We have been used to progress which has led to us gaining new years of life, so this is surprising. I expect the health authorities to address this, and map the causes so that we can address this, says Jahren. He also asks the health authorities to investigate the possible connection between heart disease and covid-19. – We have also seen the research that shows this. It must be investigated, and I expect this to be followed up, says the Secretary-General. According to senior doctor Guttorm Raknes, the Institute of Public Health is already working to find the answers. – FHI has already initiated analyzes of “Prepared C-19” in its preparedness register when it comes to the connection between various diseases and corona infection. These are complicated analyses, and it will take some time before we have the first results, says Raknes. He clarifies that there is quite a lot of uncertainty related to how high the excess mortality is, both overall and for heart disease. – We have also been through a period with a lot of flu and respiratory infections. That may have helped to influence the figures, says Raknes. Few vaccine deaths The corona vaccine has led to side effects such as heart inflammation, blood clots and heart cramps in some. Until December 2022, only 51 deaths have been registered in the cause of death register, where side effects of the vaccine are an underlying or contributing cause of the death. Most of those affected were elderly and had another life-threatening illness. A survey FHI has previously carried out among a group of people over the age of 70 showed reduced mortality among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.
