Car fires on Haugerud in Oslo and the police believe the fire was arson – Greater Oslo

– A little before half past two, the police received many emergency calls from Haugerud. The first information was that there was a fire in a car, and that there had been a loud bang, says operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand to news. The fire eventually spread to another car. The police’s main hypothesis is that the fire was arson. So far, no one has been arrested in the case. Twelve car fires in two weeks The fire service asked people to stay away because there was both smoke and dangerous substances in the area in connection with the fire. Just before 02:00, the police state that the fires have been extinguished. No people were injured. The two cars have now been towed in, and the police state that they have spoken to many witnesses and secured information which they will work on. Investigations are carried out on the burnt cars at Haugerud in Oslo Photo: Adnan Ayanle Altogether there have been 12 car fires in Oslo in the last two weeks. On 12 June there were four car fires in Torshov that were also set on fire. A few days before that, a man was arrested for six car fires in Kjelsås. Many called the police. Many contacted the police on 112. – It actually started when a very loud bang was reported, says Thomas Broberg, who is the incident leader at the scene. It was also described as an explosion, which caused the emergency services to go out with many people. – Although this could also stem from a car fire, we had all the hypotheses open when we approached the scene, says Broberg. The police at Haugerud on Wednesday night Photo: Adnan Ayanle / PSP He says there was a fire in a car, and that the fire spread to another vehicle. In addition, two cars have suffered water damage. The police have carried out technical investigations at the scene. The cars were in a car park, there was a risk of spreading to other cars, but not homes. Published 19.06.2024, at 02.51 Updated 19.06.2024, at 06.51
