Can’t stop electricity exports due to high prices – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Monday, NVE sent its professional assessments on the room for action to limit the transfer of power abroad to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. They consider it so that the EEA Agreement allows for export restrictions “when relevant considerations so require”. – In our view, security of supply is such a relevant consideration, while protection against high prices is not, says watercourses and energy director Kjetil Lund at NVE in a press release. For a restriction to be legal, it must be able to improve security of supply. – An important element in that assessment is that it should not go further than is necessary to achieve sufficient security of supply. Kjetil Lund is director of NVE. Photo: Kjartan Rørslett In line with the EEA Any stoppage in exports must be done in line with the EEA regulations, emphasizes NVE. It is also important to be anchored in our neighboring countries. – If a possible Norwegian export restriction leads to countermeasures from other countries, the effect could be that our security of supply is weakened, rather than strengthened, says Lund.
