Can’t move back a week after the landslide in Tyssedal – reassess Tuesday – news Vestland

A sigh went through the evacuees at the Tyssedal hotel, when they learned at 4pm on Thursday that they are not yet allowed to move home. 29 residents have been evacuated since Thursday 20 April. Then a landslide hit a car and several garages on Tveitahaugen in Tyssedal. The race area has been investigated with a drone. The red garages that were destroyed on Thursday are at the bottom left of the picture. Photo: Ullensvang municipality The next information meeting will be held on 2 May. This will therefore be the earliest period at which the evacuees can move back home. The area has been examined by a geologist, and the conclusion is that there is still a risk of landslides in the area. – In addition, the prison fence that was destroyed has been assessed. There is no guarantee that it will work if there is a new race, says the police’s task leader Svein Buer to news. The police’s task leader, Svein Buer. Photo: Tale Hauso / news – Unfortunately necessary Since the landslide last week, several people in Tyssedal have been listening closely for new landslides. – The feedback is that there have been several new landslides afterwards. Not as big as the first, but several small landslides in the same area, says emergency manager Buer. Norway’s Directorate of Water Resources and Energy has seen a radar below the landslide area. It measures the entire mountain section. It has not measured anything that indicates that there will be more landslides, states emergency coordinator Stig Hope in Ullensvang municipality. – Is it then necessary to continue the evacuation? – Based on the information I have, various things are necessary. It is clear that it is a burden for the evacuees, but it is their safety that is the basis, Hope. He adds that they expect to get more accurate measurements the longer the radar measures the area. The evacuees will be given the opportunity to travel home and collect things while they await the next assessment. Guards will continue to stand in the area. – Does the prison fence have to be fixed before the evacuees can move home? – That is what I will make an assessment on, when I get qualified crew to look at it, says Buer.
