Canceled the fireworks to spare the walrus – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In the town of Scarborough in Yorkshire in the UK, the town council chose to cancel the New Year’s rockets so as not to stress the town’s new celebrity, the walrus “Thor”. In recent months, Thor has appeared at several ports in the North Sea and the Atlantic, and chose to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Scarborough. It was last Friday that it appeared in the coastal town, and attracted a lot of attention, as Freya did in Norway. In the English media, residents and animal welfare organizations praise the city’s choice to take the visiting walrus into account. – We greatly appreciate that they considered his welfare above all else, and I know that it has been well received all over the world, says Emily Mayman of the organization British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR). Barriers were set up as many spectators turned up to see Thor. But on New Year’s Day he left Scarborough and appeared today in the town of Blyth, the BBC reports. People are asked to leave the animal alone. Climate change The organization BDMLR has followed the marine mammal over a period of time and says that the animal is around three to four years old and as healthy as a fish. The walrus feeds on oysters and mussels on the seabed. Thor is likely to leave Blyth this week and continue his journey north, according to Dan Jarvis, director of welfare and conservation at BDMLR. He says that walruses are becoming increasingly common in European waters, which is a sign of climate change. The sea ice on which the walrus rests and digests meals is disappearing. – Although it is incredible and an experience to see a walrus this far south, it is not a good sign, he tells the BBC. Here is Thor the walrus in place in Blyth. Photo: Owen Humphreys / AP Half a year since Freya was killed Walrossen Freya was also seen in England before she appeared in Norway. After several rounds of what was best for animals and people, a “decision to euthanize after an overall assessment” was made last summer. Some Norwegian Twitter users compared Thor’s visit to Scarborough with Norway’s handling of Freya this summer. Photo: @svelle / Twitter Some Norwegian Twitter users compared Thor’s visit to Scarborough with Norway’s handling of Freya this summer. Photo: @konghalvor / Twitter Some Norwegian Twitter users compared Thor’s visit to Scarborough with Norway’s handling of Freya this summer. On 14 February it will be half a year since Freya was euthanized. – The decision to euthanize was taken after an overall assessment where we concluded that people’s lives and health could be in danger, said fisheries director Frank Bakke-Jensen. A Spleis was created for “Statue in memory of Freya the walrus.” Which received in excess of NOK 250,000. Only time will tell what Thor’s fate will be. Freya the walrus.
