Can shoot 14 wolves – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

On New Year’s Day, the license felling of wolves in the wolf zone started. A total of 14 wolves have been opened for culling, according to the state managers in Innlandet and Oslo and Viken: 6 in the all-Norwegian area of ​​Rafjellet, 6 on the Norwegian side of the border area of ​​Fjornshöjden and 2 on the Norwegian side of the Rømsko area. On Monday morning, no wolves were shot, state administrators told news. – There is a lot of snow in the felling area, so it has been completely quiet until now, says senior adviser in Oslo and Viken Christian Hillmann. It is not allowed to kill wolves on the Swedish side of the border areas. – Reprehensible A number of activists from various interest organizations have found their way to Rømskogrevieret on New Year’s Day. – We are against this hunt, so we follow it to document and take pictures to show our members and followers what is happening, says Anne Margrethe Vadder. More than 20 activists from Aktivt Rovdyrvern, Extinction Rebellion, Naturvernforbundet, Noah and Rovviltets Røst gathered in Rømskogreviret on New Year’s Day to show their opposition to the delicensing of wolves. Photo: Anne Margrethe Vadder / Rovviltets Røst She is a leader in Rovviltets Røst, and speaks to news over the phone from the area where one wolf pair is currently alive. – These wolves must be shot within the wolf zone, where they must have priority. It is completely reprehensible, says Vadder. Anne Margrethe Vadder used New Year’s Day to follow the hunters who are in the process of killing wolves. Photo: Rovviltets Røst Can change the quota In the winter of 2022/2023, between 89–92 wolves were registered as being wholly or partly in Norway, according to the Norwegian Environment Agency. The quota for license felling in the wolf zone is currently 14 wolves. The state administrators can change the quota, the hunting areas and the hunting period, if they think there is a need for it. If a leader pair is shot, it is only a matter of time before wolves from other areas can enter the felling area, says Christian Hillmann at the state administrator. – Then it is our job to ensure that the quota is changed continuously, and that the felling area is also adjusted if necessary. “No to wolves” was written on a rock face in the Rømsko region when campaigners from Aktivt rovdyrvern passed by on New Year’s Eve. Photo: Aktivt Rovdyrvern The license cancellation in the wolf zone on the Norwegian side can last until 15 February. – Without such license cancellation, there is reason to believe that in the spring of 2024 there will be more cubs than the population target indicates, due to the wolf’s reproduction rate and wolves migrating in from Sweden, wrote the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD) in a press release before Christmas. news has been in contact with KLD on Monday. No politicians from the ministry have had the opportunity to be interviewed.
