Cameron Myers (16) breaks Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s records

At the age of 12, Australian Cameron Myers caught the eye of Jakob Ingebrigtsen. Then he had just seen the Norwegian beat the age record in the English mile for 16-year-olds in Eugene in the USA. It was the Sandnesgut’s first international breakthrough, and in recent weeks Myers has shot up the starry sky in the same style. Only in an even more convincing way. – It has been “crazy”, the 16-year-old told news on the phone from Australia. And it is “madness” that the running talent has delivered recently. In the space of five weeks, he topped three of Ingebrigtsen’s age records for 16-year-olds: 23 February: 3.55.44 in the English mile 11 March: 7.52.06 in the 3000 meters 1 April: 3.38.02 in the 1500 meters Jakob Ingebrigtsen as 16 -yearling 1500 metres: 3.39,92 English miles: 3.56,29 3000 metres: 8.00,01 – It hasn’t really sunk in yet. I’m still on a “high” and I’m riding him. Especially in the last race, at 1500 metres, I didn’t expect to run so fast, says Myers. SUPERTALENT: Cameron Myers is only at the start of his career, but has already become a well-known name in athletics circles. Lowered the record with a special move He believes that so-called manifestation can help him reach his goals. By thinking positively and focusing on the dreams, it is more likely that they will come true, he believes. Before he set the age record in the English mile, he wrote “I’ll break 4 minutes” to himself in the note app on his mobile for 30 days straight. – I am thinking about races I will participate in four weeks from now. I stick to the goal, and do everything to make it happen. I think it can become a habit, says Myers. – I knew I had it in me, that the potential was there. It’s all about carrying it out, and when I managed it, a lot of weight fell off my shoulders. FORMER RECORD HOLDER: Henrik Ingebrigtsen raises Jakob’s hand in the air after the deaf 16-year-old had broken the 4-minute limit. Photo: Brian Davies / AP News of his record-breaking run has spread around the world, and the label “The next Ingebrigtsen” is already widely used. Myers himself is nevertheless quick to point out that the Norwegian took big steps already from the age of 16 to 17. In one year, the Norwegian improved his personal record in the 1500 meters by almost nine seconds and ran 3.31. Six years separate the two. – It’s cool to be compared to him, but it’s important that I continue to develop. I have to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, says Myers, who is currently at a high-altitude camp in the mountainous area of ​​Jindabyne, between Melbourne and Sydney. – An extreme level news’s ​​athletics commentator Jann Post calls Myers “Australia’s answer to Jakob Ingebrigtsen”. – He has already reached an extreme level. What is most impressive is that he has not overspent on training. He hasn’t done extreme things, and has a lot to go on. Then it seems even more promising, says Post. news has previously written about Dutch Niels Laros, who took one of Ingebrigtsen’s age records last year. Post does not want to state that there is a Jakob effect, but sees that several young talents are making huge runs. EXPERT: Jann Post (right) comments on athletics for news together with, among others, Vebjørn Rodal. Photo: Anders Skjerdingstad / news – We have seen several examples of young, western runners reaching a higher level than ever before. There is a tendency for them not to let age stop them. I don’t know if it’s because of Jakob. The athletics expert believes that Myers could be a gold candidate in the 2028 Olympics if the development continues. And precisely Olympic gold is the big goal of the teenager. One day he wants to challenge Ingebrigtsen, but first he must become the best in his own country. – It is very inspiring that there are so many good Australian runners. In the first half, the focus is to fight his way into the national team, says Myers, who mentions Stewart McSweyn, Ollie Hoare and his training partner Jye Edwards as runners he strives for. The shoe company is lying flat It is not just the media that has suddenly taken an interest in Myers. Right now, several of the biggest shoe manufacturers in the world are fighting to get their hands on the talented runner. The team around the 16-year-old do not want to make a hasty choice, but within a short time they will sign a lucrative contract. AGENT: James Templeton (centre) with Australian middle distance runners Peter Bol and Joe Deng. Photo: PRIVAT – It’s a bit funny, because there is a Jakob factor about him. They don’t know if he will be as good, and I neither promise nor hint about it. But the company asks itself “is this the new Jakob?” It doesn’t hurt that they think that way, Myers’ agent, James Templeton, told news. Jakob Ingebrigtsen was 17 years old when he signed a long-term contract with the equipment giant Nike. Calling the records “nonsense”, Templeton understands well that the comparisons with Ingebrigtsen arise, and believes that everything is in place for him to one day challenge the Norwegian who is six years older. The agent has previously worked with the second fastest 1500 meter runner in history, Bernard Lagat, and knows very well what it takes to reach the top. – “Cam” is so mature in the way he runs, and is similar to Jakob in the way he sees speed and wants to win the race. I don’t think he will be distracted by all the attention, but it is important to have his feet firmly planted on the ground, says Templeton. According to the statistics page International Age Records, Myers is not only better than Ingebrigtsen, but the fastest 16-year-old in history at 1,500, 3,000 and English miles. “Nonsense”, thinks Templeton, who reminds that African runners are not registered on the site. Often because their age cannot be verified. Myers is also not trying to take off after the record breaking. He has enough to combine a full-time commitment to athletics with further schooling. – It is challenging. I do what I can, and when I need help I ask for it. The same if I need extra time for assignments. The teachers are very flexible and straightforward, he says.
