Came forward as trans, felt he was born in the wrong body. – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Sander was registered as a girl at birth. But ever since he was little, he has felt that he was born in the wrong body. It was difficult to participate in activities at school. He wanted to play on the boys’ team in gym class, but often ended up sitting on the sidelines and watching when the class was divided into boys’ and girls’ teams. – Some days I stayed at home because my stomach hurt so much. I forgot my gym clothes on purpose or told the teacher that I felt bad when I knew we were going to separate boys and girls. I didn’t feel like part of the class, he says. He often received comments and was bullied. At the end of the previous school year, he got his own changing room for gym class, but he still had to play on the girls’ team. He found that unpleasant. On the last day of school before the summer holidays, he wrote a letter which the teacher read out. In the letter, he told the class that he was transgender. Then he got hugs and messages from fellow students who said he was tough. – It was a relief, says Sander. MAY 2022: Ready to celebrate his first May 17 dressed in a suit. Photo: Privat Inspired by reality Sander’s story is taken from Brageteatret’s new show “Great cis-energy”, which will be played at cultural centers in Oslo and large parts of Viken in February. In the play, we meet a student in the sports department at a high school, who applies to change the football team from the girls’ team to the boys’ team. The teachers and the management have to balance themselves through differences and disagreements with the aim of finding an acceptable solution. How do you solve the wardrobe situation, for example? GREAT CIS ENERGY: Football with the boys’ team, led by the football teacher Said, played by Hamza Kader (with the audience). Photo: Kevin Dahlman Party at the London Pub in the center of Oslo. Teacher Said serves waffles after the day of skiing at school. Teacher Sascha in full rage against colleagues. Played by actor Sebastian Warholm. Photo: Kevin Dahlman Director Even Torgan got the idea for the show from all the debates in the media. – It is very relevant for all of us to follow the inclusion debate, which is not only about being trans, but also about queer and melanin rich. Director Even Torgan. Photo: Kristin Sverre Østensvik / news He believes there is a development in society that it is absolutely necessary to follow. – We are dealing with an inflamed topic that many people find scary and difficult. Nils Petter Mørland, Brageteatret’s theater manager Photo: Kristin Sverre Østensvik / news Brageteatret’s theater manager Nils Petter Mørland believes that stage institutions have a special responsibility to highlight themes that may be difficult for people. – I believe that art and culture can help people to think and feel about things that they find difficult and foreign, he says. The government is also focusing on the problem. On Friday 17 February, Culture and Equality Minister Anette Trettebergstuen launched a new action plan for gender and sexuality diversity. – The new action plan will contribute to greater acceptance of gender and sexuality diversity, said Trettebergstuen at the press conference. Hoping for greater tolerance Today, Sander gets to play on the boys’ team at school, but it has been a long way to go. – It was difficult to bring it up with the teachers, but they have tried their best to facilitate, so I don’t want to criticize them. THE BOYS’ WARDROBE: Sander currently has his own wardrobe which he uses at school. Photo: Morten Andersen / news He is happy that the situation of trans youth is being put on the agenda and believes that more information is needed on how to meet them. – In the society we have today, many people have prejudices about this. It is a topic that many have something against and have negative thoughts about. Therefore, it is very good that it is talked about and taken up.
