Calls for pooping in the Seine in Paris before Emmanuel Macron goes swimming, in protest against the Olympics in Paris – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Opposition to the Paris Olympics has reached new heights – or new lows, as the case may be. Namely, a campaign has appeared which encourages Parisians to defecate in the river Seine on 23 June. President Emmanuel Macron and Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo were then scheduled to bathe in the river, to prove that it is clean enough to be used for swimming exercises during the Olympics. – After they have seen us in a shit situation, it is time for them to bathe in our shit, says the campaign’s homepage. The hashtag #jechiedanslaseinele23juni – or #egdriteriseinen23juni – has also spread widely on social media. Anne Hidalgo recently said that she postponed bathing until after the parliamentary elections, writes Le Monde. The second round will take place on July 7. – I’m pooping in the Seine on June 23 for Macron, it says on the homepage of the campaign. Facsimile: Screenshot Expensive clean-up The Seine has been plagued by heavy pollution for a long time. It has been 100 years since it was last allowed to swim in the river. During the Olympics in 1924, it was decided that the water quality was too poor. In particular, there has been trouble with the amount of bacteria such as E. coli and enterococci. One of the reasons is that sewage has washed out into the river during high water. President Macron and Mayor Hidalgo have made it a prestigious project to clean up the river. Over NOK 15 billion has been spent on making the river clean enough for this summer’s Olympics. A 30-metre-deep reservoir will help prevent surface water in the Seine. Photo: ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP But a few weeks before the games start, things look dark for the prestigious project of the two politicians. At the end of May, the environmental organization Surfers Foundation concluded that there were “alarming amounts of bacteria” in the river. Olympic chief Tony Estanguet could not rule out that the swimming part of the triathlon had to be canceled due to the poor water quality. In addition, a test swim last week was canceled due to heavy rain, which could lead to increased pollution, writes Le Monde. Responds to spending Who is behind the campaign is not known. According to Franceinfo, the topic first appeared on 22 May on X/Twitter, while the website was registered a couple of days later. The work to clean the river has been going on for a long time. Here, workers remove large amounts of rubbish just outside Paris in June 2023. Photo: AFP A person who claims to be behind the website tells the website that he is not against cleaning up the river. The use of money still makes him angry. – Millions and billions are invested in the Olympic Games. At the same time, public services such as transport failed, and the city is dirty and full of rats, he says. Tips and tricks from the internet The theme tag that encourages people to poop in the Seine has become popular in several social media, including TikTok. Several of the posts are very humorous. Among other things, a nutritional adviser comes with tips on fiber-rich food for the best possible bowel movements, while a mathematician has calculated when one has to poop in the city of Rouen in order for him to reach Paris in time. – I don’t know if France will win so many medals in the Olympics, but one thing is certain: the French deserve a gold medal for humor, says TikTok user Olivier Giraud in a video. Published 16.06.2024, at 12.30 p.m
