But more get permanent jobs – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I knew that the market was tough, but I was lucky enough to get a job in a company where I wanted to work. I am very happy with that. Fredrik Christiansen is a trained bricklayer. In recent years, he has attended technical vocational school, and from January he will be a supervisor at the Sarpsborg company Ove Skår AS. He is one of those who got a job during a period when there are many unemployed people in the industry. A total of around 5,600 people are out of work in the construction industry today. This is 43 per cent more than at the same time last year. The background is higher interest rates and more expensive construction costs. This has led to almost a halving of new construction compared to last year. Got a new big project But despite bad times, there are some companies that manage to keep the wheels turning. The company Christiansen is now employed at has received new projects to be built throughout the spring. – We are in a rather unique position. It’s unusual, says Fredrik Martinsen, who is general manager of Ove Skår AS. – We hear of many who are struggling. We have more than enough to do and have a long-term order backlog of almost two years. He believes it is important to have more legs to stand on. General manager at Ove Skår, Fredrik Martinsen shows the new supervisor around a construction site at Greåker in Sarpsborg. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news – It’s a bit of a coincidence, but we work with several types of buildings, not just housing. Housing is very vulnerable in these times. We also operate industry, trade and offices, as well as schools and nursing homes. The company has no layoffs, and they have hired more in the past year. The plan is to hire more in the future. But on a national basis, around a thousand employees have been made redundant in the construction industry and the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions fears that there will be more. – Will need people moving forward Between September and October, there was the largest increase among the unemployed in the construction industry and people without a registered professional background. In total, there were 300 more people without a job, figures from NAV show. Construction has a slightly higher unemployment rate than the average for all occupations. The full effect of the situation has not yet arrived, believes Vidar Schei in the Federation of Fredrikstad. He says the future prospects, with another interest rate hike, will probably make the situation worse. – We are already noticing that shop stewards are being called in for discussions with their managers, where they look at the uncertainty that exists. So it can start with redundancies from December onwards, says Schei. Leader of the Federation in Fredrikstad, Vidar Schei. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news He says that the large companies often have projects that take several years to complete, while the small and medium-sized companies often have smaller projects. But Schei thinks it is gratifying to hear the story about Fredrik, and emphasizes that the industry needs people like him. – Kudos to him for daring to invest in the industry. It is an industry where we will need more people going forward. It is good that people choose to train as skilled workers. Has faith in the future In a short time, 27-year-old Fredrik Christiansen will prepare himself for one of the company’s biggest projects to date. A total of 19,000 square meters will be built in two years. – It will be exciting to embark on such a large project to begin with. There are many challenges, but I think it will be exciting. He hopes to inspire others. He believes there will be better times for the industry in the future. – Throughout all times, there have been a few ups and downs. There are situations in the world that you have no control over and there always will be. I see light in the future, and as long as you stand together as a community, I believe there is light at the other end. Both Fredrik Christiansen and Fredrik Martinsen believe in better times for the entire industry. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news Hi! Hello! Thanks for reading all the way down here. Did you think of anything when you read the case? Or do you have tips for what my next article should be about? Feel free to send me an email!
