Bus with school pupils is on the roof in Rennebu – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The road must have given way and a bus must have overturned and is lying on its side near Rennebu in Trøndelag. There will be a secondary school class from Trondheim on board the bus. – We have information that the passengers are about to get out of the bus, reports the police. 12 pupils to the emergency room The first unit from the ambulance has arrived at the scene of the accident and reports that no passengers should be seriously injured. – Patrol on the scene reports that 12 students have minor injuries, says operations manager Einar Larsen Røstum. These students will be transported to the emergency room in Trondheim. There is talk of, among other things, small cuts. The road the bus was traveling on is a narrow gravel road by Jøldalshytta. At 12.29 the police report that their first unit is on the scene. There must have been 41 young people and three adults on board the bus. A new bus has been ordered to the site, and the school itself has taken care to inform parents through its systems. Crisis team connected – When the students are back in Trondheim, the school, in collaboration with the municipality’s crisis team, will organize a meeting with the students, parents and school staff so that they can get the necessary help to process the incident. Harry Tiller, communications adviser in Trondheim municipality, writes this in a press release. news clarifies: In an earlier version of the case, we wrote that the bus is on the roof. The correct thing is that it is on the side. This has now been changed. Published 13.09.2024, at 12.02 Updated 13.09.2024, at 16.42
