Bullying in primary school is increasing – Latest news – news

22 January 2024 at 07:37 Bullying in primary school increases For the second year in a row, there is a clear increase among pupils who experience bullying in primary school, shows the Student Survey 2023. – It is very worrying that so many people tell about bullying. Unfortunately, this is a development in the same direction as last year. That is why we are already taking measures to reduce bullying, says Minister of Education Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap). The survey also shows that the motivation to go to school is decreasing. This is a trend that has been seen over several years. The government will therefore look at how to make stages 5 to 10 more practical and varied. The student survey is a survey that is carried out from the 5th grade up to and including the last year of secondary school.
