Buildings on fire after new Russian attack on Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Witnesses have heard several explosions outside Kyiv and Lviv, writes the Reuters news agency. Several residential buildings in Lviv are on fire, according to Lviv’s mayor Andrij Sadovji. He says that 17 people are injured, including two children aged 10 and 15. – The condition of five patients is serious, writes Sadovji on the Telegram messaging service. Early Wednesday morning, Ukraine’s Air Force continues to issue warnings about multiple drone and missile attacks on Telegram. Several attacks recently As a result of the attack, fighter jets in neighboring Poland moved out to ensure security in Polish airspace. This is the third time in eight days that the planes are on the wings as a result of airstrikes against Ukraine. – Another busy night for all of Poland’s air defense systems, writes the Polish defense on X. The attack on Wednesday night takes place after Russian rockets on Tuesday morning slammed into a military training center and a hospital in the city of Poltava in central Ukraine. 51 people, including several soldiers and health workers, were killed in the attack, which is the deadliest single attack this year, the BBC writes. 271 people were injured. Recently, Russia has carried out a number of large missile and drone attacks against Ukraine. It happens after Ukraine invaded Russia in August and took control of territory close to the border. 19-year-old Kevin was released from Russian captivity in exchange for a convicted murderer and secret agent. Listen to the foreign affairs editor’s podcast: Published 04/09/2024, at 06.07 Updated 04.09.2024, at 06.14
