Building billion-dollar hospitals too small – patients may be sent south – news Troms and Finnmark

In the children’s ward at the new Hammerfest hospital, beds will be cut from eight to five. The consequences can be great if too many children in Finnmark fall ill at the same time, because this is the region’s only children’s ward. – If the children’s ward is full, patients must be sent to other hospitals. That’s according to senior doctor at the children’s ward, Svenne Naumann. Sick children may therefore risk having to travel from Vardø in Eastern Finnmark to the children’s ward at the hospital in Bodø. The shortest distance by car is over 1,300 kilometres. And then the journey goes via both Finland and Sweden. According to Google Maps, the driving time is calculated at over 17 hours. One could risk ending up at the University Hospital in Tromsø (UNN) or Nordlandssjukehuset in Bodø if the children’s ward in Hammerfest is full. Naumann and her colleagues at the children’s department are frustrated by the situation. – We find it very critical. We as employees were shocked when we found out. We could not believe that the management would cut the only provision for children in the county. Senior doctor at the children’s ward, Svenne Naumann, is frustrated by the situation they are now in. Photo: Sunniva Hadland Bøthun / news Have warned against this for a long time That the new hospital in Hammerfest will be too small, the staff have warned several times. And long before the first spade was put in the ground. This has previously been discussed in news and several other media in recent years. – When they were going to build a new hospital, they found that there was not enough money to draw it as big as they had originally drawn it. That’s according to the leader of the Finnmark medical association, Paul Olav Røsbø. The head of the Finnmark medical association, Paul Olav Røsbø, has tried to say on several occasions that the children’s ward is too small, without success. Photo: Hanne Bernhardsen Nordvåg / news – Then they started to look at what could be cut back, and it hit hardest beyond the children’s department. It is about safety. You should feel safe if you have children in Finnmark. A total of 24 places will be cut at the new hospital. According to Røsbø, messages of concern have been sent from department heads, from the board and from the annual meeting of the Finnmark medical association. Hammerfest municipality disposes of two rooms adjoining the children’s ward in the new hospital. – Finnmarkshykehuset has suggested renting the room if necessary. But we don’t think it’s a good idea. You can’t loosen an old and sick hammer fitting on a municipal bed to bring in a child. Then you have to take a long-term lease or buy the place, he says. Røsbø says that it seems that Finnmarkssykehuset has not been interested in entering into a dialogue with them about the fact that the figures are wrong. Not forgotten – We understand the skepticism. And that it draws parallels to other hospital buildings that have been built in Norway recently. That’s what Jørgen Nilsen, clinic manager at Hammerfest Hospital, says. Jørgen Nilsen, clinic manager at Hammerfest Hospital, says that all the recordings they have received have been discussed. Photo: Jan Harald Tomassen / news According to him, an assessment was made in the preliminary project of how much capacity was needed at the new Hammerfest hospital. – All the entries have been discussed and involved in the process. Assessments have been made of all entries. He says that the numerical basis was not forgotten, but that not all factors were probably taken into account. – We have thought about the consequences. And we are now trying to come up with mitigating measures to make room for the patients who come into Hammerfest Hospital. The hospital already sends patients from all departments to Tromsø and Bodø. Especially if there is bad weather or they don’t have capacity. – I understand that the employees are frustrated. The physical framework of the building has been set, but we will work from there, concludes Nilsen.
