Brothers convicted of terrorism indicted after the murder of Hamse Hashi Adan – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Over a thousand days have passed since Hamse Hashi Adan (20) was brutally torn away from his near and dear ones. The family hopes that the truth will come out. On 7 October 2021, he was shot in the head outside Lofsrud school in Mortensrud in Oslo. Adan died a short time later in hospital from his injuries. On Tuesday, the trial began against the terror-convicted brothers Valon (37) and Visar Avdyli (34), who have been charged after the murder. – There is no connection other than this case between the defendants and the deceased and the victim, said state attorney Trude Antonsen in her introductory speech. In court, it became clear that Valon denies criminal guilt for murder and attempted murder against seven other men who stayed in the school yard. Visar denies criminal guilt for complicity in grievous bodily harm, complicity in gross threats, and for carrying a firearm in a public place. State Attorney Trude Antonsen is the prosecutor in the case. Photo: Rushda Syed / news – He wanted to scare them On 4 October 2021, a few days before the murder, accused murderer Valon had taken on a money collection mission at Mortensrud. – This is an incident that the police cannot get to the bottom of, said state attorney Antonsen in court. At Mortensrud, Valon, Visar and two others are said to have probably met another four people with a criminal background. In questioning, Valon explained that the mission ended with shots being fired at him. The alleged shooting on 4 October is said to have led him to set an example against the environment at Mortensrud. – He wanted to scare them, said Antonsen, about the shooting that ended with Hamse Hashi Adan being killed. – Hamse was an accidental victim. He was one of the guys who hung out at Mortensrud school this evening, and had maximum bad luck. Valon is scheduled to appear in court later this week. Valon (37) and Visar Avdyli (34) were internationally wanted after the murder. Photo: POLICE – A long and difficult process The survivors hope the trial will give them the answers they need. In a statement to the press, the family writes that the past three years have been incredibly difficult. – Our dear brother Hamse was brutally taken away from us, for no reason whatsoever. He was a young boy with big plans for his life and had just started on his journey. To have one’s life taken away in this way makes the loss even more incomprehensible and painful. – This has been a long and difficult process, but our focus now is on ensuring that the truth comes out, and that our brother gets the justice he deserves, says the family. Flowers and candles were laid outside Lofsrud school in Mortensrud in Oslo to commemorate Hamse Hashi Adan. Photo: Bård Nafstad Admits having shot Valon is accused of killing Adan. He is also accused of trying to kill seven other men when he fired shots outside the school. In addition, he is charged with breaching the Weapons Act. Visar is charged with complicity in grievous bodily harm and grave threats. The prosecution believes it was older brother Valon who fired the shots in the school yard at Mortensrud. His defender Marius Dietrichson has also confirmed this to Nettavisen. Valon nevertheless denies criminal guilt for murder. He believes the murder was an accident, according to the defender. If the court does not find Valon guilty of attempted murder, the public prosecutor has also issued an alternative indictment for serious threats with a firearm. On this point, Valon pleads guilty. He also pleads guilty to unlawfully carrying a weapon in a public place. Visar denies criminal guilt. He has not explained himself to the police. Nor does he plan to do that during the eleven-day trial in the Oslo District Court. Traveled to Kosovo Two days after the murder, the accused brothers boarded a plane to Kosovo’s capital, Pristina. A few days later, they were internationally wanted. Valon, accused of murder, was arrested in Turkey in March last year, after around a year and a half on the run. Only in April this year, two and a half years after the murder, was Visar arrested in Kosovo and extradited to Norway. The police put a lot of resources into the work on the murder of Hamse Hashi Adan in 2021. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB Previously convicted of terrorism Valon and Visar Avdyli were both convicted of terrorist activities in 2016. Valon was sentenced to four years and six months in prison for have participated in a terrorist organization. According to the verdict, he was a fighter for IS. Visar was sentenced to eight months in prison for sending money to a terrorist organisation. He was also sentenced in a case of violence in 2017, according to TV 2. Both have finished serving their sentences for terrorism and violence. The police have previously stated that they have seen no connection between the other sentences and the murder of Mortensrud. A third man was long charged with complicity in the murder of Hamse Hashi Adan. The case against him was dropped on the state of the evidence earlier this year. Published 10.09.2024, at 08.50 Updated 10.09.2024, at 10.23
