Brokers expect a slight decline in housing prices – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

House prices in January are often a pointer to how the housing market will be for the rest of the year. There are many indications that the figures will show a slight decline in house prices, taken as a whole. Nevertheless, the decline will probably be smaller than expected. DNB Eiendom reports a good start to the year, despite a demanding market. Managing director of DNB Eiendom Renate Sørestrand-Hansen. Photo: Stig B. Fiksdal – Our own figures show that there has been a good start to the year in almost the entire country, says managing director, Renate Sørestrand-Hansen. Based on its own figures, DNB Eiendom expects a seasonally adjusted price decrease of between 0.7-1.0 per cent. – There are probably some who put their purchase plans on hold this autumn and have now returned to the market, Sørestrand-Hansen. Earlier this week, the housing association OBOS published figures for how the market looks, from their point of view. They believe that prices will increase, especially in Oslo. – Prices tend to rise in January, but this was more than usual and must be seen in light of the fact that OBOS prices fell by more than four per cent in Oslo in December, says chief economist Sissel Monsvold. Prices for used OBOS homes in Oslo rose 7 per cent from December to January. Nationally, prices rose by 5.5 per cent. At a press conference in December where the forecasts for 2023 were presented, house prices in Norway were predicted to fall by 3.5 per cent.
