Broke the “magic” limit – had pain for several days – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

When news met the 28-year-old several days after the achievement in Dresden, the enormous effort was still in his body. – You push yourself in the basement both physically and mentally. I notice three days after the race that I am empty of energy, Blummenfelt tells news. Three days earlier, the record-breaking Blummenfelt broke his old Ironman record, with a time of 6.44.26. RECORD SMILE: Flower fields could grin wide after the record run. Photo: Hannibal Hanschke / AP In less than seven hours, he swam 3.86 kilometers, cycled 180.2 kilometers and finished running a marathon (42.2 kilometers). An enormous strain on the body, even for a top-trained Bergen native. – You notice you are beaten muscularly. Even though you do not use that much arm, I suddenly noticed cramping tendencies in my left arm. They have tried to keep the spasm in the hoarding for 30 kilometers, so you really live on the border, he says. For the record cost enormously with effort. For Blummenfelt, the pain was worst when he sat on the bike – both mentally and physically. – Got my heart in my throat – I said they should ride as hard as they could, then I will sit behind there – cost what it will cost, says Blummenfelt, and talks about the help riders who helped him on the road. But there was one special incident with one of the helper riders who put a stop to the Bergen man. REVIEW: The 28-year-old says that he imagined the worst when the accident was imminent. Photo: Henriette Hoel / news – Then I got my heart in my throat, says Blummenfelt when news showed him pictures of the near-accident. Because with almost 140 kilometers left on the bike seat, it was about to go wrong. Blummenfelt’s helper rider was about to tip over, and a hesitant Norwegian barely managed to keep his balance. – I actually imagined that four or five years would go downhill. To lie there bouncing, says the 28-year-old. – Then the record attempt had been in danger? – You get up again, but you then have five hours left of the race with abrasions and bruised body, he says. After 90-100 kilometers on the bike, Blummenfelt also felt that he got a little dip. Because in the back of his mind he thought of the marathon he was going to run afterwards. How he works mentally in such a situation, impresses news’s ​​commentator Jann Post. – Blummenfelt is exceptional here. He’s tough in the head. He has his own ability to push himself and be in pain. He wears a crooked neck every time, says Post. – There is nothing that scares him. – Probably not healthy Blummenfelt fortunately escaped accidents and complete mental breakdown, but had enough energy to break his old record. Sports doctor at the Olympic Summit, Thomas Torgalsen, points to one specific thing that is particularly important for Blummenfelt, which empties its energy reserves completely. – He must be good at recovery, also the number of competitions you go to and if you have enough to recover and prepare for the next competition, says Torgalsen. – It’s just a matter of squeezing in what you can of food and drink to get back the profit, says Blummenfelt himself. – Do you think it’s healthy? asks news, aiming for the six or seven hours where Blummenfelt empties the energy storage. – It’s probably not healthy, I think. That’s probably not what gives me the extra year. It is about “pushing” boundaries, and it is healthier to train a lot than not to train, Blummenfelt answers. HUG: Blummenfelt (with his back to) is congratulated by competitor Joe Skipper. Photo: Hannibal Hanschke / AP Going together towards Blummenfelt The race was called «Sub7», and only Blummenfelt and British Joe Skipper participated, but they brought with them several help riders and pacemakers. The goal was to complete an Ironman in less than seven hours. Skipper finished at 6.47.36. As the format was designed for athletes to break the seven-hour barrier, the time to Blummenfelt is not considered an official world record. But many probably still consider Blummenfelt as one they have to beat to win. For the competitors have started to group against the Norwegian, and it happened already in the World Cup in St. George in 2021. – All the swimmers talked together and went as hard as they could to create a hatch. I should have been more into swimming, but had a bad day and ended up in the middle class. – I have to counter it by raising my swimming level, admit Flowerfelt, who says that large parts of the next four months will be spent in water. And in the swimming pool, a piece on the left arm is central that helps to optimize everyday training:
