Briton convicted of planning kidnapping, rape and murder of TV profile Holly Willoughby – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The case summarized A 37-year-old British man has been convicted of having planned the kidnapping, rape and murder of TV star Holly Willoughby. The man, described as an “obsessed loner”, had collected a “kidnapping kit” including handcuffs, ankle chains and chloroform. He had spent over two years researching Willoughby’s life. The plans were revealed when the man shared the plans with a US police detective on a chat group. The convict has previously been convicted of attempted kidnapping of women and of holding two teenage girls against their will. Sentencing in the case is expected on 12 July. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The police describe him as an “obsessed loner”. On Thursday, the British security guard was found guilty of planning the kidnapping, rape and murder of TV star Holly Willoughby (43). This is stated by the prosecuting authority in England and Wales, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). RED RUN: Host Holly Willoughby at the Pride of Britain Awards in London in October 2018. Photo: Joel C Ryan/Invision / AP/ NTB Prosecutor Nicola Rice describes the convicted as follows in a press release: – A dangerous man who planned unspeakable violence against a of the nation’s most famous faces. She emphasizes that even though the man called the plans “harmless fantasies”, the prosecution was convinced that he posed an extremely real threat. Obsessed with TV star Holly Willoughby has waived anonymity in the case. In Great Britain she is known as a TV profile and model. Among other things, she has been presenter of the breakfast TV program “This Morning” on ITV for over ten years. The convicted 37-year-old is said to have become progressively more obsessed with Willoughby over a ten-year period. According to the prosecution, he spent two and a half years researching the star’s life and collecting a “kidnapping kit”. This kidnapping equipment consisted of, among other things, 400 metal strips, a pocket knife, handcuffs, ankle chains and bottles of chloroform. “KIDNAP KIT”: The images of the so-called kidnapping equipment have been sent to news by the Crown Prosecution Service. Photo: Crown Prosecution Service According to the press release, he planned to break into the TV star’s home at night and drug her down with chloroform. Thereafter, the prosecution believes that he planned to transport Willoughby to another location, where she was to be repeatedly raped before she was to be killed. Fresh from detectives The reason why the police know about the 37-year-old’s plans is that he shared them with a man who turned out to be a spy for the American police. In a private chat on the group “Abduct Lovers”, with the anonymous spy, he told details of the plans and tried to enlist the American’s cooperation. The Brit is said to have said that fantasy was no longer enough, and that he wanted the real thing. The police detective contacted the FBI, who in turn contacted British police. THE CONDEMNED’S EQUIPMENT: These pictures have been taken by the Crown Prosecution Service of parts of the equipment. It shows, among other things, a whip, something that looks like a gag, hand straps, handcuffs and parts of packages with metal strips. Photo: Crown Prosecution Service – If the American officer had not contacted us … I have no doubt he would have committed some truly horrific crimes. This is what Head of Department Greg Wood at Essex Police tells the BBC. He describes the 37-year-old as an “obsessed loner”. Previous conviction – I hope this sentence gives Holly Willoughby and her family some comfort, and shows others that the CPC will always pursue the most severe charges against those who plan violence against women, says prosecutor Nicola Rice. MET THE KING: Holly Willoughby and Hollywood star Stanley Tucci met King Charles (left) at Buckingham Palace in May 2023. They are both celebrity ambassadors for the Prince’s Trust Awards. Photo: Geoff Pugh / AP/ NTB The convicted security guard has previously served a prison sentence for holding two 16-year-old girls captive against their will in 2008. One managed to get away and report the incident. In 2006, he was given a suspended prison sentence after attempting to kidnap two women on a train using a replica firearm. Sentencing is expected on Friday 12 July. Published 04/07/2024, at 19.18 Updated 04.07.2024, at 19.44
