British fishing tourist may have caught the world’s longest cod in Finnmark – news Troms og Finnmark

46.6 kilograms and a length of 160 centimeters. It weighed and measured the cod that British Daniel Pipes pulled up from the depths of the Lopphavet on Tuesday night. Pipes and several friends are fishing tourists and guests of Steinar Halvorsen, who runs Sandland Brewery in Loppa municipality. – They were unable to weigh it in the boat. They brought weight with them, but they couldn’t lift it, says Halvorsen. British Daniel Pipes with his big catch. Photo: Steinar Halvorsen / private Could be a record Steinar Halvorsen has run the tourism business for 14 years, but has never seen a similar fish before. – I have seen a lot of fish around 30 kg. But that one, it was solid, he says. Now he hopes to rap the world record from the competitors on Sørøya, which is the closest neighbor to Sandland and Loppa. Halvorsen has sent an inquiry to Guinness World Records to see if Pipe’s cod is a world record. Halvorsen knows that a similar cod has been caught at Sørøya. It did weigh 0.4 kilograms more than Pipe’s cod, but he is sure that its length makes it a world record. The cod on Sørøya was caught by the German Michael Eisel in 2013. While fishing stories are told at arm’s length, fishing records are weighed and measured with a gold standard. According to The International Gamefish Association, the world record for heaviest Atlantic cod is 47.02 kilograms. The longest cod of the same species is measured at 127 centimeters. Both of these records are from Sørøya. If the length of 160 centimeters is approved, it will probably remain for a while. The best fishing story is still a catch from 1888. The giant is said to have weighed 96 kilos, told Finnmark Dagblad, Sandland is located in Vest-Finnmark. Hunting for more records Halvorsen assures that the weight and measurements of the loppa cod are correct. – We fishermen are very happy to add a bit. Does it weigh 44? Yes, maybe all 46? But we have an approved scale here with us, so when we go out with a scale, it is correct, he says. – No one is allowed to sneak a gram in any possible way. The fishing-loving guests have had their teeth full of blood. They are already out at sea again to fish. Now they are chasing the world record for halibut fishing, says Halvorsen. Steinar Helge Halvorsen, general manager at Sandland brygge in Loppa. Photo: Christer André Henriksen / news Published 19.06.2024, at 11.12
