Britain will refuse migrants to seek asylum – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

British Home Secretary Suella Braverman will present the plans to Parliament this afternoon. The measures will be retroactive to anyone arriving in the UK via the English Channel from today. The government wants to prevent the increasing numbers of people arriving in the country in small boats from the European mainland with the help of people smugglers. Last year, 45,000 came to the UK that way. In 2018, the figure was 300. Getting rid of this small boat traffic was one of five promises the Prime Minister made at the beginning of this year. Record numbers of migrants are arriving in Britain by sea. Photo: BEN STANSALL / AFP – We will pass new laws to stop the small boats and make sure that if you come to this country illegally, you are apprehended and removed quickly, Rishi Sunak said in January. “A deception” Today’s law will fulfill this promise, said Suella Braverman when she presented the new bill in the House of Commons in Parliament today. It aims to put an end to the dangerous and what the government calls “illegal” migration to the country. – Many come from safe countries, such as Albania. Everyone travels through France, Braverman said. And added that this is costing British taxpayers around £6 million a day. She believes that the current asylum legislation is no longer suitable. – This law means that the Minister of the Interior has a duty to send migrants who come to the country illegally out, she said. The exceptions are those under 18 or ill. – Our generous asylum laws are used against us when we try to send people out, Braverman continued. Labour’s Yvette Cooper calls the bill chaotic. She points out that Britain lacks return agreements with other countries and points out that the government has not even been able to return people who have had their asylum applications rejected. – Enough is enough. We cannot afford slogans, we need solutions. This is a deception that risks making the chaos worse. Britain is better than this, she said. Legal battle Human rights organizations believe the British new asylum law may be a violation of the UN Convention’s right to seek asylum. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak assures that the proposal is within international legislation. There is heated debate and great commitment around the increase in asylum seekers coming to the UK. Photo: SUSANNAH IRELAND / AFP The government believes that only those who come to the country legally should have the right to apply for asylum. But human rights defenders believe there are no legal routes, except for a very few groups of people. It is not the first time a British government has attempted to prevent people from coming. Last year, the UK reached an agreement with Rwanda to send asylum seekers there. There the application must be processed, and if granted, the applicant will be granted asylum in Rwanda, not the UK. But so far not a single plane has taken off for Rwanda because the plan is being challenged in the legal system.
