Break in the kindergarten mediation – kindergarten strike from Monday – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The deadline for the mediation was midnight, and around 2 o’clock it became clear that the parties would not reach an agreement. – The distance was far too great between the parties, says Delta’s first deputy chairman and negotiator in the mediation, Trond Ellefsen to news. A total of 1,007 employees in 112 kindergartens in Oslo, Østfold, Trøndelag and Vestlandet are covered by the strike action of the Trade Union, the Education Association and Delta. On the employer side is PBL. – We are disappointed because we hoped to reach a solution. It is sad that we have to go on strike, which will affect a third party, says Ellingsen to news Pension dispute The dispute is primarily about pensions. The employees believe that PBL has committed itself to a transition to the joint pension scheme (AFP) from next year in several protocols, which PBL rejects. – We are very disappointed that the employer does not keep its promise to introduce lifelong AFP for our members in private nurseries, as municipal and other private nurseries have. This is a strike for which PBL must take full responsibility, says a statement from the employee side after the breakdown in negotiations is a fact. – We react strongly to allegations of breach of promise. In those protocols, the parties indicate the direction for a future AFP, but PBL has neither there nor in other contexts given any promise that the kindergartens will enter the joint scheme for private AFP. I think everyone who reads the minutes sees that, says communications director Marius Iversen in PBL – Irresponsible and unrealistic demands Managing director Jørn-Tommy Schjelderup in PBL describes it as “surprising and very regrettable” that the unions are striking after putting forward “completely unrealistic demands” , it says on PBL’s website. – We feel that there are completely irresponsible and unrealistic demands that have come from the employee side, which in the current situation it is not possible for us to meet, says Nilsen. – Private kindergartens have experienced cuts in subsidies of hundreds of millions of kroner this year. This year, therefore, the employee side chooses to promote spin-off demands that increase costs by many millions of kroner. It doesn’t work, and there is no realism in this, he says further. Possible escalation to weekly Three out of four private kindergartens – 2,066 out of 2,881 kindergartens – are organized in PBL. These kindergartens employ over 36,000 workers. If there is no further movement between the parties, the employee side announces further withdrawals from Thursday of 492 members. Thus, the total withdrawal can be 1,499 members. – We have a second strike which ends on Thursday. That is the plan for now, says Green Nilsen. – We are registering what has come from the Trade Union regarding escalation, and the kindergartens affected by this will be well prepared for what is to come, says Iversen. – The trade unions know where to get hold of us, and we are available 24/7. We are prepared to take up the talks when the time is right, he says further.
